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when will the kids learn....

there is fast...
there is quick...

then there is nimble....

anyone can drive a fast car.
everyone has a quick car...

but there are very few nimble cars out there...

if you were older, knew how to really drive, and had mega money... then I'd sell you my nimble CRX...:cool:

Fast will get you down to the cone the fastest, but quick will get you to the cone quicker....but they still over shoot the cone. Nimble will be on the other side of the cone before quick and fast can catch up....and then there are 10-30 more cones to go....go figure...;)
i prob. wouldnt buy it anyways.
thanks though.
btw: dont call me kid.
preludes can be nimble with enough work....and if you strip them completely down.

I did autox a few times, and i was pleased with the results.
I disagree.

I'm amazed you're still here. Normally we run off all of the noobies within a day or two.
She's still here because we haven't gotten the HS Resident Asshole on her yet..... Clint...
Get her.:ph34r:
damn girl,you think your a big shot..your nothin but a dumb kid.that thinks going fast is cool and means everything...
wheres celerity steve....he comes up with some really nice stuff.