any plumbers in the house?

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Supa Mod
had the pipe for my outside faucet bust off flush with the wall earlier... need a quick fix without calling a plumber.. had to shut off the water at the main, but i need water damnit!.. lol... any suggestions?



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take it out and sweat a new one in
or it may even be a thread in outside fixture
go in the basement (or crawl space) and snap a pic

pipe work is easy, step by step
lets assume its non thread
you need to go to home depot and get
plumber starter kit with torch, sand paper, solder, and flux
then you want to get a outside faucet, frost tech(non freeazble) if it freezes by you at night
and get a sweat to thread adapter for what appears to be 1/2" copper

measure how far back to cut the existing pipe, including the room for the adapter
cut it off with a pipe cutter, tighten the cutter every turn or 2 and just slowly work at it round and round
then clean up the cut end with the sandpaper and apply flux
clean the adapter and flux again
make sure no water is getting to the cut pipe and then heat it until it pulls solder in around the joint, try to get all sides to suck it in
now you go outside and you will need a screwdriver and hammer to chip away a little of the wall to fit the new fixture through
slide it through the hole to the inside and screw it on
use a pipe wrench/adjustable combo to get it tight so it won;t leak
getting it straight up and down will be a challenge without help unless you mark bottom on the fixture

or you can just buy a solder on cap for now until you can get help from a plumber?

i recommend the frost tech because they are longer so the water shuts off inside the house
the frost tech anti freeze valve will leave you needing only one soldered connection
less sweat work = less chance for a leak
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no basement or crawl space here.. lol.. i've chiseled away some stucko around teh pipe so its not so flush anymore..
i would not use JB weld, might leak in the middle of the night flooding your yard

so this goes straight in to an interior wall?
i guess you need to pick one to fuck up
interior or exterior
knock out the sheet rock and get in there and solder in a new faucet
yea.. it goes to an interior wall, but it goes to the shower .. i'd have to pull the whole thing out .. i have another buddy who does plaster work so i'll make a small hole and have him patch it up.. not worried about how it looks really since its in the back yard

i just remembered a buddy of mine used to be a plumber.. he came by and said easy fix.. . he needs to get a hold of a friend who has the torch and then its done..
well, there isnt much i can do.. just sit and wait since i dont know what i'm doing... the guy with the torch has to get off work first .. i need to get my water back on though.. have company coming from long beach tomorrow.. what timing? lol ..
i know, it's just funny. i've done it a million times too. i post about it online, then a friend will come over and fix it.
just got off the phone with the homie. ... he's picking up the torch in like 30 minutes and then hes coming by.. he has everything i need, even the faucet.. not costing me a penny.. expect maybe some patchwork where we gotta tear up part of the wall
I can weld (a bit), I can solder, but I had never sweat copper pipe until a few weeks ago. Replaced 3 pipes that broke open in the downstairs bathroom wall. It's actually more simple than I thought... some time watching youtibe videos just like the one above, and about 10 more minutes of Googling, and I had at it. My very first joints ever, and they all held with no leaks.
well, its fixed.... me and the fiance went out to dinner for her bday tonight and got home to a fixed pipe... my buddy came by while we were gone
you don't have an individual turn off for your outside faucets?

i have at least 10 in my hose.

2 for outside faucets
4 or 5 on the furnace/boiler
3 or 4 others for varous pipes (probably kitchen/bathrooms/etc circuits)

i think this is another reason why cali sucks... no individual kills valves on their plumbing :D
we dont really have too big of a problem with pipes freezing and bursting though... though it does happen
you don't have an individual turn off for your outside faucets?

i have at least 10 in my hose.

2 for outside faucets
4 or 5 on the furnace/boiler
3 or 4 others for varous pipes (probably kitchen/bathrooms/etc circuits)

i think this is another reason why cali sucks... no individual kills valves on their plumbing :D
thats just because you have a newer (expensive) house with a good contractor
and hopefully they are all quarter turn
gate valves suck my balls