April 24th......

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3) Chris, not sure which car yet (still no turboback on the grey one), i could pick up hamburgers and buns? and $$ for jdm foods/potty
1. Airjockie and wife, Subaru and Z, Use of the patio, 2 for JDM food and drink.
2. Brian, genesis, not sure on food for lunch, + 1 for JDM food... not interested in drink (assuming the usual $20 for dinner?) + $10 for porta potty donation?
3. Me and probably the GF, Unknown vehicle (Harley maybe?), PDM food and drink (I don't know what kind of food I'll bring).
1. Airjockie and wife, Subaru and Z, Use of the patio, 2 for JDM food and drink.
2. Brian, genesis, not sure on food for lunch, + 1 for JDM food only... + $10 for porta potty donation
3. Chris, not sure which car yet, i could pick up hamburgers and buns? and $$ for jdm foods/potty
4. Chris and probably the GF, Unknown vehicle (Harley maybe?), PDM food and drink (I don't know what kind of food I'll bring).
Adam, Camry, Food....no idea, just tell me what to bring, JDM dinner, +$10 for the shitter
Oh, we're bringing money for a real bathroom? I thought it was going to be a contest for how many times we could fill up the bucket...
1. Airjockie and wife, Subaru and Z, Use of the patio, 2 for JDM food and drink.
2. Brian, genesis, not sure on food for lunch, + 1 for JDM food only... + $10 for porta potty donation
3. Chris, not sure which car yet, i could pick up hamburgers and buns? and $$ for jdm foods/potty
4. Chris and probably the GF, Unknown vehicle (Harley maybe?), PDM food and drink (I don't know what kind of food I'll bring).
5. Dennis, CRX, most likely not there for lunch, $for JDM. I'll confirm this w/ the wifey
You're still a 28" waist. belt test passed. come to the meat.

My friend is also testing for her black belt on the 23rd.

Yeah, I'm not going to be at this one. Sorry guys. It's just a bad one for me.
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I'm a possibility. Took off last Saturday and the boss forgot to put me back on this week. I mentioned it to him, but if he forgets again, I'm there.
Yep, there's no way I can make it. Not even a glimmer of hope.

I'll post up pictures of the CF whored out Honda Fit after the meet.
99% Sure I'll be there, I'll bring a few bucks for the shitter fund, and some beverages - most likely non alcoholic - as I have many plans on Sunday and I need to drive home - sober.
Except that it'd be 4 tanks of gas at those speeds.

God, my Sporty would make it in two. Chop socky is reschedulable, tasty meats and alcohol are not. They get cold and warm respectively. And one of them rots.

Just tell them you got into a freak gasoline fight accident. They'll understand.
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