Are you going to get vaccinated?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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Will you get a covid vaccine?

  • Already did

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • As soon as I can

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not until I have to

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not a chance

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters

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Thoughts on getting the vaccine? I'm pretty much steering clear as long as possible. I know there's a lot of science behind it but I still feel it was rushed and am not interested in messing with my rna.

If I was older, I'd get it. They open here for my age group next week.

Already seeing things like vaccination passports. May not be able to fly or go to events... Etc.

Which gets political... Freedom and all that. But that's off topic.

Non political discussion only please.
I’ll make a decision when I absolutely have to. My wife will get here before too long.

maybe In few months we will have a pill :)
Not sure yet. Work isn't requiring one for now. Being rushed with no liability does scare me. My wife had cancer surgery last year and I pass by hundreds of people at work, so that is my reason for considering it.
Not in any rush here either. I can get it thru work right now. Some of my co-workers already have. Working in a manufacting facility with a couple thousand people in fairly close proximity for the last 10 or so months since the shutdown here ended, I feel like I've been exposed to just about everything at this point anyways.

My wife and son already signed up at one of the local stores that's giving them. We open up to everyone on april 5th so it should be fairly soon.

The sticking point for me would be travel. We do wanna take a vacation/fly at some point so I guess I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
Same feelings as above.
I do see clients, but its one on one or 2 v 1 type situations.
Not mass public.
OL goes to get her first shot tomorrow.

I'm schedule to fly in November, and I assume it'll be a fly/no-fly situation at that point.
Dragging my feet on scheduling anything currently.
I do get a flu shot, but that's usually because I would lose so much money being sick during tax season.
I don't really fit any of the risk criteria and presumably would fair okay with this.
I've had cousins get it and bounce back like a normal flu, so I assume some shared genetics there.
I just finished my second dose last Friday and did so for multiple reason. 1) I am an educator and starting on 4/6 I will have roughly 90% of my students back in my classroom for full days. I am extremely excited about this because it will give students in my Technology Education classes the experience they wanted instead of a virtual class trying to teach hands on concepts. It just wasn't working. 2) I have parents and in-laws that are higher risk. They have all been vaccinated and I want to continue to do my part so we can hopefully see them more regularly as time with them is not guaranteed. Furthermore The CDC is now relaxing who you can spend time with unmasked. We have always been pretty strict with who we see and the conditions that are in place. 3) This is the biggest reason. My wife and I are expecting. We had a pregnancy loss last July and it crushed us. I want to do everything possible not to bring this into my house especially given that I will now have more exposure via school. We have talked about this at great length and as soon as she hits the 20 week mark she will also be signing up. We have had discussions with all of our doctors about this and we feel it is safe enough to get her vaccinated and are willing to take the small risk because our OB/GYN has had patients where they had COVID while pregnant and it was WAY worse in terms of actual symptoms, hospitalizations, still birth/loss and complications before and after delivery. I cannot imagine going through a loss again with my wife as it is crushing and want to do anything to avoid that. 4) I am selfish. I truly believe that this is the path to get us back to "normal" I miss my friends/family. I miss my social activities. I miss my life pre-covid.

As for the vaccine safety itself I trust that it is safe. RNA has been researched for decades in the cancer treatment world and the virus family has been studied for quite a while but it was not a "popular" area of study because there was no need. Some reports out there are even saying that the framework for this vaccine was already done and it just had to be tailored to this specific strain in order to work. When you remove the red tape and figure in the vast computing power we now have along with almost unlimited funding it is no wonder that it came together quickly. I get that people are hesitant and that it might take some time to get to herd immunity but I also understand that this is America where we have a choice. It really is too bad that this became a political issue instead of a humanitarian issue from the jump. In the end I just want this part of my life over.
I'm scheduled for round 1 tomorrow. My wife is waiting until she sees her doctor for a physical later this month.

It's readily available now and if you qualify I encourage you to get it as well, even if you don't believe in the science, but personal responsibility. Not doing so will only elongate the spread of this disease. The quicker we get vaccinated the better everyone is off, even those that don't. You can see it in the expected death numbers already. I doubt the whole passport shit will get anywhere, and shaming people isn't the right way to change anyones mind. (All I will say there).

These are just the personal reasons on why being vaccinated reduces the risk that I will spread covid in the event I get it.Reasons:
  • Future Vacations - Big family trip in May, September, December, etc.
  • Group setting things - BBQ's, Golf, fishing trips with strangers, work meetings, beer/wine/booze tasting
  • Travel for work - Will be requirement for international I'm assuming eventually.
  • Events - Ballgames, zoo, aquarium.
  • Daycare - Kid goes 3 days a week and it will soon be 4.
  • At risk family members - I can't see my mom until I'm fully vaccinated and its been 14 months even though she is, a handful of people in her care facility might not be, and that's why.
To the points that both J and Chester make focus around reducing spread.... I was under the impression that having the vaccine doesn't do anything to prevent you from being a carrier. Has that changed?

You can be vacinated, and still bring the virus home.
To the points that both J and Chester make focus around reducing spread.... I was under the impression that having the vaccine doesn't do anything to prevent you from being a carrier. Has that changed?

You can be vacinated, and still bring the virus home.
I am being told otherwise by our health staff, one of which is a local expert on all the news outlets. While they cannot flat out say that transmission is not possible due to liability the studies being done and the stats they are seeing prove that you cannot transmit it or if you can it is very very unlikely. We are being told that if we have a student pop positive in our classrooms that while we are considered a potentially close contact we would not need to quarantine because we are fully vaccinated.
I am being told otherwise by our health staff, one of which is a local expert on all the news outlets. While they cannot flat out say that transmission is not possible due to liability the studies being done and the stats they are seeing prove that you cannot transmit it or if you can it is very very unlikely. We are being told that if we have a student pop positive in our classrooms that while we are considered a potentially close contact we would not need to quarantine because we are fully vaccinated.

This is what I've heard as well. Basically the vaccine reduces the viral load to almost non-existant reducing the ability to spread, or what they call viral shedding. It's still being studied in and isn't fully understood, just like the disease itself, but the indicators have drastically went in the right direction. Because it isn't 100% perfect they won't really say. In addition they know the efficacy %/probability of infection after vaccination so there still is risk, just drastically reduced.And people that are vaccinated need to keep in mind that after being vaccinated the efficacy goes up as time goes on, not immediate. They need to instill caution in people as it continues along.

First off, a vaccine takes 5 to 10 years to be developed and be approved by the FDA, not 8 months. Second: people think this vaccine is FDA approved....i got news for you...its not. It's been approved for emergency use only...huge difference. The side effects of the vaccine wont be known for years. You all are being used as human test dummies as a live experiment. And for that I thank you. I'm not anti fully vaccinated for shit except I don't get the flu shot anymore because both times I got it, i ended up getting the flu. I haven't had a flu shot in 6 years and i haven't once had the flu.

You can 100% still get covid even vaccinated. There are 1000's of documented cases of this happening AND you can still transmit Covid. There was just a mother in Middletown Ct who was on the news who got and spread covid 1 month after getting her 2nd shot. Not 1 person can tell you anything factually about this vaccine because it has not been studied enough. So everything they say is bullshit.
Got the first shot yesterday. I don't have any concerns about it really. There's so much synthetic and toxic shit that we consume/contact on a daily basis that this is such a small drop in the bucket.
I mean, compared to the stuff I (and/or we) did in our 20's...
How bad can it be lol.

First off, a vaccine takes 5 to 10 years to be developed and be approved by the FDA, not 8 months. Second: people think this vaccine is FDA approved....i got news for you...its not. It's been approved for emergency use only...huge difference. The side effects of the vaccine wont be known for years. You all are being used as human test dummies as a live experiment. And for that I thank you. I'm not anti fully vaccinated for shit except I don't get the flu shot anymore because both times I got it, i ended up getting the flu. I haven't had a flu shot in 6 years and i haven't once had the flu.

You can 100% still get covid even vaccinated. There are 1000's of documented cases of this happening AND you can still transmit Covid. There was just a mother in Middletown Ct who was on the news who got and spread covid 1 month after getting her 2nd shot. Not 1 person can tell you anything factually about this vaccine because it has not been studied enough. So everything they say is bullshit.

Come on.... Anedoctal evidence like the mom on tv got it and spread it after being vaccinated. And I got the flu even though I got the flu shot.

Efficacy means producing a desired result. So when they say its up to 95% efficacy, its 5% still not effective. The reward > risk. Rare but possible to still catch it, have symptoms, hence why certain protocols/caution need to be followed for the foreseeable future... Just looking at death rates, they're already down a ton, especially in the olds.

Got mine today. Mixed olds and youngs getting it today it seemed. our state just opened up another big group which is roughly 1M people as of today.

The sooner everyone that is applicable gets it, the sooner we're back to normal. Hell I'm going to go to a baseball game in May and probably travel for work. Can't believe that!
My wife and I got our second doses last week. Wife's dad is a doctor and mother is a nurse. I trust their opinion and research more than 99% of the other crap out there. If they're comfortable receiving the vaccine then I am comfortable getting it as well.

That article does not really advance your opinion about still getting it after the shot. The vaccines aren't 100%, that's literally in every piece of information about them. That's why additional safety measures are still necessary. What's important is that the numbers of infected after 2nd dose is still far below the quoted effectiveness.
OL got her first shot yesterday.
Feeling like shit over all, with a low grade fever this morning.

Her immune system is also absolute trash, so this does not surprise me.
my mom was fine
my dad was sick as hell for 3 days after his 2nd shot