B18c5 Or C1vs H22a

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I need a little help..

I plan on running a b18c1,c5 or a h22a

The h22a is Big and powerful.. and well big.. and the b18's are light and im guessing could hold power better, or my idea is if i run a 93 del-sol.. Is it worth all the wiring for the h22a?.. I was told h22a has very week piston walls and hates boost.. (which i was told by speedoptions forums) and the b18c (GSR) is the best for boost with vtec. and stuff.. and Im a Talon guy myself so im this like untreated tertory for me.. Also i was told the type R has a nice redline but isent really worth the extra grand..and sucks a and GSR is better
the h22a is a nice high power motor but the power you gain from it is not worth the added weight of the motor. it is a much better idea to do a b18 or a b16. the money you spend on a h22 you could build a b16/18 with more power and less weight.
it really depends on what you want to do... if you are into drag racing and a daily driver go with the H22, but if you are into hitting turns hard and fast get the B18C. The H22 is a way powerful motor, and i have seen a few boosted preludes that have been way fast.
You can't compare a B16 and an H22. A fully-built n/a B16 still won't compare to a stock H22 in terms of power. You'd have to be running some boost to come close to an H.

An H22 doesn't have weak cylinder walls. From what I've been told, you can't run forged pistons on a stock H22 block, you have to get it resleeved. But you can run some mild boost (6psi or so) on the stock pistons and be fine.
Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord@Mar 24 2003, 04:00 PM
A fully-built n/a B16 still won't compare to a stock H22 in terms of power.

The difference between the two motors isn't so great,that if you built up the B16,the H22 would still outshine it.The problem is that you already fully built the B16 and the H22 is still stock.
Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord@Mar 24 2003, 10:00 AM
You can't compare a B16 and an H22. A fully-built n/a B16 still won't compare to a stock H22 in terms of power. You'd have to be running some boost to come close to an H.

An H22 doesn't have weak cylinder walls. From what I've been told, you can't run forged pistons on a stock H22 block, you have to get it resleeved. But you can run some mild boost (6psi or so) on the stock pistons and be fine.

a fully built n/a b16 would spank a stock h22...but also depends on what you call fully built...also...the sleeves on an h22 are real thin...so the h22 isn't really boost friendly...but don't get me wrong...if you build and boost it right...a boosted b16 wouldn't compare