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well, it was sorta successful :/

as you can tell, its up and we are using it-

but we lost some posts.

for some reason, the middle 10k posts or so wouldn't take. but the first, and the newer ones are all here.

I dont know what gives- but hey- shit happens.

good news is that its up.
Instant reply :unsure: ?Other than that,and the fear that work had blocked it earlier today it is cool.
I miss the quick reply box.
Also I was wondering why I wasn't logged in this morning. I was like WTF? no one posted a single message overnight?
Originally posted by Prowler@Jan 2 2003, 08:57 AM
I miss the quick reply box.
Also I was wondering why I wasn't logged in this morning. I was like WTF? no one posted a single message overnight?

probally when he loaded the new version it deleted all the temp. internet files on the server so the computor no longer reconizes your IP adress.

What i miss is thing that was towards the top that you would press to get back to Forum index>Members corner>anything goes and then if you wanted to go to anything goes you would click on the anything goes (you know what i am trying to say)
quick reply and the post count are missing ( it just says "our members have made a total of posts") lol
I like the new board.. but I do have one complaint.. can we get that quick reply area back. I don't want to have to hit add reply and then add my reply. But success... on the board.
quick reply will come back soon..

basically, im waiting for the layout to go up.
when that happens, the board will be getting a theme overhaul to match...
and changing themes means it goes back to stock- so i don't want to do to many changes only to go back on them.

Yes, there were no posts last night because the site was down for a good 3-4 hours :(

as for the cookie- its a new cookie, so yeah- you woulnd't be logged in :)
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 2 2003, 06:49 PM
quick reply will come back soon..

thats how u spell quick i was having trouble thinking how it was splet, i have had a major brain drain lately