Brad's CRX Build

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I've never understood that, what's the big draw to having to wind the motor out to make power?
It's fun, you could keep it one gear for say auto x, and what happens if I got cams? I couldn't use the powerband.

But I guess I would have to see where the motor stopped making power.
Buy a supercharger. Thats the best for Auto-X. Youre always in your power band, and down low is where the torque is.
It's fun, you could keep it one gear for say auto x, and what happens if I got cams? I couldn't use the powerband.

But I guess I would have to see where the motor stopped making power.

proper gearing will aid with staying in the powerband as well
slap a b16 trans on there and have a ball
b20vtec with a b16 trans would be a fun little CRX
b20vtec supercharged would be one hell of a ride

my vote in this situation is to go with a gsr though, as you would be too tempted to open up the bottom end with an ls-vtec or b20vtec build. dont open up the bottom end on your first build, just keep it stock and reliable as possible

also, revving high should not be a priority
the higher you spin an engine, the bigger mess its going to make if it comes apart
seriously, GSR swap w/b16 trans and call it a day.
wow. that would have been an epic swap for autocross.
ill keep my eyes peeled, i have a couple buddies with swaps that they might want to get rid of on the cheap
Cool, thanks.

Just some pictures now.










lookin fresh.. te-37s would kill it on your rex..
maybe some knock offs? theyre called nippon f1s.
yo i need your help!!!!
general maintenance..y8 manifold
didnt wanna clutter yours up..
hey bro..ive been followin ur thread, just read all 39 pages of it and lovin the rex with the mini me...oddly enough you have almost the same setup as me lol

i think u should consider using a z6 intake manifold, it will solve all your intake problems and fix ur broken manifold at the same time, even though i know the y8 manifold has better flow...also, the way you painted your valve cover is the shit! same way as mine ;)

im suscribing to the thread..cant wait to see where you go with the rex and the gsr ideas...
hey bro..ive been followin ur thread, just read all 39 pages of it and lovin the rex with the mini me...oddly enough you have almost the same setup as me lol

i think u should consider using a z6 intake manifold, it will solve all your intake problems and fix ur broken manifold at the same time, even though i know the y8 manifold has better flow...also, the way you painted your valve cover is the shit! same way as mine ;)

im suscribing to the thread..cant wait to see where you go with the rex and the gsr ideas...
I've actually solved the Y8 intake issues and its great now. Thanks for the compliments!
My eBay header was starting to peel, figures, so I wrapped it dremeled away the shitty junctions.









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