COD: Black ops

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the campaign on veteran is exactly like online. shoot someone center mass and they just shoot you back and you die.
I believe it was petrenko. he gets gassed in the ship though. would have liked to see him survived for the next game. who knows maybe the next treyarch game will be a korean war prequil type game..
got the first three missions on veteran done... this is going to take a while. wish I had Jebus skills. that fucker beat waw in two days on veteran.

anyone wanna watch a clip or film with me? lol
Did campaign remind anyone else of Assassin's Creed?
Ill try and hop online tomorrow evening and watch a clip with you. I need to get that shit done myself.
got the first three missions on veteran done... this is going to take a while. wish I had Jebus skills. that fucker beat waw in two days on veteran.

anyone wanna watch a clip or film with me? lol

I've actually got some pretty funny clips already saved lol, hit me up when you get online again.
i beat it this weekend........... still dont like it more than mw2 but its not bad and its something new. still done understand the point system all the way yet. but i am getting the hang of it......... online play is slow and i know i will unload a full clip in guys some time and they fire two shots and i am dead......... thats if "server timed out" or what ever it says. i hope they are working hard on alll of these bugs.........
I believe it was petrenko. he gets gassed in the ship though. would have liked to see him survived for the next game. who knows maybe the next treyarch game will be a korean war prequil type game..

Yeah I think you're right about the name. But yeah, it was kind of like when you find out that Hicks and Newt died at the beginning of Alien 3, lol. Like, really? After all that? Oh well, not really a big deal...
got the first three missions on veteran done... this is going to take a while. wish I had Jebus skills. that fucker beat waw in two days on veteran.

have you hit the control rooms and tunnels where you have to find and kill Dragovich?? i think its after you blow up the rocket.. i've been stuck there since day 2 of the
not on veteran. im in the middle of SOG until I got bored of trying last night and turned on football. so far the checkpoints are ghey. I'm usually getting shot as I hit one...
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yea.. everyday i'll try and pass that part.. but after dying 10 times at the same spot, i usually give up for the day and start playing MP
chopper gunner owns all in this game.. lol.. i was playing combat training w/ a buddy of mine so we could have bots .. went 45-4.. lol
I got a chopper in a care package and I have to agree it is pretty damn cool.

As for campaign, I just entered the tunnels yesterday afternoon so I look forward to cursing, screaming and throwing stuff around in the basement. Probably a good thing I moved all my gear downstairs so the child does not hear me cursing.
chopper gunner owns all in this game.. lol.. i was playing combat training w/ a buddy of mine so we could have bots .. went 45-4.. lol

i played this for about 5 minutes, i don't get it. what does it do?

also, has anybody had someone release the dogs?

i was on the good side once and bad side. those things will FUCK you up.
i played this for about 5 minutes, i don't get it. what does it do?

Combat training? So you can learn the maps, learn how to use items, and kill streaks without being a nub in a public server.

also, has anybody had someone release the dogs?

i was on the good side once and bad side. those things will FUCK you up.

I've seen the dogs a few times, they are easy to kill if you aren't fighting someone else at the same time.
Combat training? So you can learn the maps, learn how to use items, and kill streaks without being a nub in a public server.

I've seen the dogs a few times, they are easy to kill if you aren't fighting someone else at the same time.

This is what I use it for. As for dogs, I have yet to see them.
the dogs are a joke,i heard they was suppose to be a lot meaner but they are just way to easy and slow to kill