COD: Black ops

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2 hours. At sushi, date isn't here yet. Bitch better get here. Lol

Dude, HC HQ last night was pretty fun lol, even if you did go 5 and 32 hahahaha, just kiddin man.

I'm sure Ill be on today at some point, so hit me up if you are on.
I was earlier. Sittin at the office right now. We had thanksgiving in the coffee shop below, might be playing some cards soon. I dunno.
yep. We gotta watch a video or clip first though. I wanna get all the easy shit done.

E's a rep whore, I'm an achievement nut.
Lol, he's a little slow, and maybe you should slow down James? You freakin east coasters thinking you're hot shit because you are 1-3 hours ahead of everyone... lol
Just beat this mother fucker. Pretty cool.

Whats HCHQ? I know its high compression high quality, but I dunno what that is lol.
Ended up home later than I thought and the woman started watching tv, so I was unable to get on
Hey Jarret (and everybody else too I guess), I keep trying to join your games when you invite me, but it says that my playlist is more up to date than yours and you need to restart to update. Do you just leave the game on all the time? I think you need to actually exit the game once in a while to get updates...