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Senior Member
Anyone know how to get a copyright? I'm going to try my hand and fabrication a few parts in the near future and would like to get a copyright on the manufacturing line I want to name them after.
cheap way to do it is take the diagram along with any and all paperwork, maybe even a finished product, make sure all documents are signed and mail it to yourself. then never open it, if any companies or anyone uses the idea then you can take them to court and the postmark date will work.

i know songwriters who do this, my brother did it on his first cd, poormans copywright :)
You created it, you automatically have copyright to your creation. As long as you can prove you had the idea 1st, your claim will hold up in court. Were you refering to a pattent?
thats why you mail signed and dated documents to yourself, the postmark will prove at what date you had the idea. so you can argue in ourt you had it first if someone copies it.
if anyone thinks he is bs'ing, he isnt. its 100% legal and its done everyday. My brother learned that in one of his music industry classes. it works, its free, its it. plus i dont think you copyright a product, you patent it.
Sending something to yourself isnt a bad idea however you should only do that for a temporary fix. till you get your true copyright done.

It's like making a contract sure you can have someone sign a piece of paper however if you go to court it looks 10x better if you have it notarized.

People have been screwed before over copyrighted stuff and I'm sure it will happen again.

do it the right way.