d16y7 into EG Harness questions

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I know its been discussed but i need specific answers

1. I have an obd1 harness and an obd2 harness which is easier as far as making the car run all right?

2. If yes to obd1 harness, do all the plugs fit as far as the sensors and electronics go? which ones do i need to alter to work with the obd1 harness?
im not sure if they all fit but i know that i have a d16y5(obd2) in my 91 hatch dx(obd00 and everything fit fine.
i used a d15b7 engine harness on the y7. most sensors hooked up. i had to cut off some d15 sensor plugs and solder the d16 plugs on. i know i had to use the d16 iac valve plug. Ill remember the others when i get back to the shop. if i remember i'll get wire colors also.

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