d16z6 wiring harness, need help.

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Señor Member
I need a new wiring harness for my hatch. I currently am using a obd0 wiring harness off of my d16a6, but it is shit with random wires cut everywhere. I understand the seriousness of this problem.

now the main question i have is should i get another obd0 wiring harness? or should i go ahead and get the obd1 harness??

also i was wondering where i should look to get Said harness??

I have already searched the forum, google, and asked people in person with no luck. If someone could answer this question or refer me to a previous thread with the information i need that would be helpful.
are you obd0 or obd1? taht should tell you what harness you need. what ecu are you wantign to run? are you plannign on using an ecu jumper harness?

if your obd0 and not plannign on runnign a p28 with jumper harness you should just do a simple MPFI swap on a obd0 harness and be done with it.
I have an OBD0 car(90 civic hatch dx) with an OBD1 engine(D16Z6), i plan on using a P28 and Im assuming i am going to need an obd0 to obd1 jumper harness but i dont know. It seems to me there should be a way to completely remove everything obd0 and convert it all the way to obd1 if i just get the obd1 harness, but IDK. no one can help me on this, I cant seem to look it up any where, i am lost.
hmmm ... So i would need to get a 90 DX harness and re-do the dpfi to mpfi conversion and all of that stuff?? ...

Also i think i remember reading on Rywire they could do all of this for me. Do you think i should just get the original harnes and send it in to them?
if you already did the mpfi then just add the plugs you need. or if you want to pay the money for a plug and play harness that will look really clean go with rywire.
mm I was going to redo it i just didnt know what harness i should get. It makes sense now though.

Start over from stock. I will probably let Rywire handle this one because i have no clue what im doing and what it done right. =/.

Thanks for the insight Jeff and Blanco.