Damn yall

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This whole,,,just b/c b is the owner, shouldnt be in fights on this page is fucking bullshit.

B is a normal person, like you and me. He has every right to fight, argue, tell someone to stfu. That is like telling Eminem he cant say fuck you or kiss my ass, b/c little kids are gonna hear it.

Just admit it, cali isnt the shit.. your weed isnt the best, you're not the money state, etc. I know ppl in Texas that wipe their ass with what you make in a week. Havent you noticed, all the entertainers are all leaving Hollywood b/c of the bs. The only reason actorsl ive there is b/c its where the studios are, but they all have homes in CT and shit and spend all the time they can, there.

Just stfu, admit you were owned adn that no one likes cali and that most of the ppl from cali, thinks its the shit.. guess what, come out east, look at some hot girls that havent rode every dick in a 50 mile radius before they were 12.
haha... man im not even going to add to that one. well done :)
lol heres another birght one!

dude your fuckin briliant! i never new the MAJORITY were tv stars :o
and you wipe their ass remark......did you think i gave ashit about the people who wipe tehre ass with money? see is people like you thats are just TO stupid i mean its one thing to be stupid or even just a lil stupid but you define "to stupid".
i dont have a problem with B involving himself in a convo its the way he whent about it!

to this date not one of the rocket scientist's that have opend there mouth on this subject tryed to be little someone based on their literary skills. now i know you were "to stupid" to grasp the point of what i was saying about how he aproched me befor but you really shouldint open you mouth inless you know what your talking about.
:o lol you applauded that B... lol damn i thought even you wouldint want anything to do with what head said even though he was defennding you. lol B imsure you remember the convo we had........i already know theres no way to win with you peons following lol we whent threw this thats why i had initaly asked yo unot to get into these things inless for reason of locking or something and i gave you what i thought we both agreed was more then a good enough reason but just gose to show me that the apples dont fall far from the tree!

ya know if i didnt ahte all the ricer forums i would leave but i like this place absed on alot of was we agree on but this kind of crap was brought to my thread i mean did i go looking for it? no so once again my points proven that stupidity is rampint, and i know i should be the bigger man and since im not that should just tell you guys that your stupidity is the kind that just cant be tolerated on this planet.
i'm not a Peon, i've been friends witth B for over a yr now.

You are the one who said something about money and Cali. Trying to make it like its the best state ever.

Just stfu and go back ot letting Michael Jackson pound you in the ass.
blah.... UDT's just pissedoff cuz he lost the rap thread :D
lol i didnt even go to tha thread seen it but didnt touch it.....called self control rather then say something stupid and pointless i keep my mouth shut. umm yeah cause cali is one of the the more rich states and for being as small as it is it may as well be the richest so big deal im right any way you look at it.
i just typed it i think im very clear on what i said and ment. fuuny your the only one still haning on and on top of it do you think tha tyou being a personal friend of B's makes it so your not a peon? your wrong and you must have completely missed my point so inturn would lead to you never haveing shoudl of posted in the first place. i dont get why this is so hard to 8understand i mean baicly its a spin off of " dont say anything at all if you dont have anything nice to say" but with the pussy ass feelings type part taken out say what you what but dont be stupid, offend or offer advice/facts for something you know lil or nothing about.

and not to :toot: my own horn but i did read back and i fuckin swear the only posts that seem like the person was even mildly intelligent are my own.
Originally posted by UDT@Dec 30 2003, 01:45 AM
lol i didnt even go to tha thread seen it but didnt touch it.....called self control rather then say something stupid and pointless i keep my mouth shut. umm yeah cause cali is one of the the more rich states and for being as small as it is it may as well be the richest so big deal im right any way you look at it.

Thanks for editing your post with more shit i can get into with you over.

When was the last time you've looked at a map? Cali is not small. Go look at a map real quick. You have, what.. 9 million people in LA alone. That doesnt sound small to me. You have more ppl in 1 town, then Oklahoma has in its entire state.

You're not that rich if you look at how many ppl are there. When are you going to realize that? You seriously need to go look around. I bet you'll find a lot more states, with higher $$ per yr/per person then cali. Take what cali makes, divide that by how many ppl live there, then do it for states like Texas, NY, CT, FL, TN, then tell me who is the "richest state".

I'm done with fighting with you. Money is just a materialistic item, it means nothing to me. Never has, never will.
you just don't know when to shut up do you?

if you would stop posting stupid ass shit or at least re-read your posts before you post them, then people wouldn't give you shit.

B please lock this, this is going nowhere.
its funny how you call every southerners rednecks but use "yall" in the title of the post.
man your a fuckin dumb ass miney wasint even xclose to being the topic hear the fact tha tyou would need to tell me that "Money is just a materialistic item" just shows me tha tyour head was not even in the topic so your justtalking out your ass. i mean your not even on the same subject. and no one ever said per person the most well off, i said the "state" as a whole and besides i dont see why that even matters if we were even on the subject of "money" pointless.

and if you look back a few post you will see that i stated very clearly that people are coming and not going and thats because cali is so great even with all the smog laws. i mean we were talking about how cali does not suck, a very clear way to see that is by the simple fact every other state looses its population were as cali gains and gains and gains even with smog laws and the expensive houses i mean any person of average intelligence woud be able to derive from that small bit of info that cali must be a winner if people wanna live here even with the high cost and smog laws and common sence should tell you that if people leave your state first chance they get that its probably not the #1 state

to be honest there not all red necks its just a common word to describe that part of the states no offence intended. theres country and then theres red neck. didnt mean to offend you.

thanks for not flipping out to you spoke your mind, said what you ment and ment what you said...my kinda guy. a mans man if ya knwo wha ti mean
B... you know it is foo. your gonna tell me you didnt put that bitch there thinking about some one using it like that lololol. i just been waiting to use that line to so i could use that icon :D
lol i dont know when to shut up aaaaaaaaaahahahaha how about you not knowing when to never open your mouth in the first place? lol this is my thread and teh bull shit was brought to me. so why dont you take some of your own advice and go back and see who brought this crap hear. i inturn am just making it very clear that if you come to me whith some bull shit you will get reemed inless your have a point and so far not a one person has made a valid point. an to prove it i hade my sisster whos like 2 months and a BAR exam away from being a lawyer read over these posts to see if some one was making a valid point that could hold its own if needed and with ehr not know who is who she seem to come to the same conclusion i did. so if i aint smart enough for you B im sure she is :D shes gonna have top honers to so no misplaced trust in her smarts! shes the real deal. and as i said i didint tell her what my name was so she had now clue who was who. if she couldint come to an honest / good conclusion sorrting threw 10 or 15 post on the internet i dont know how she intends on flipping threw 1000's of pages of documents and trying to win a case.

basicly its shocking how many people want to open there mouth with a motha fuckin opinion when they know jack shit about shit. theres a quote i dont remember by who but it was something to the effect of : your better off keeping your mouth shut and letting people think your a dumb ass then opening it and removing all doubt. and theres a few of you that should follow them guide lines as if tehre life depended on it. or some thing really bad will happen cause of that blow hole one day...that or your just gonna make a fat ass fool of your self some where in person :D and have people laughing there ass's off at your stupidity like my sisster was.

see now B and i had a conversation that i had not intended ever leting any one know about cause then you get a swhoop of change in the way people act when they know people are seeing them do the stupid things they do.

see i and im sure many others see the peons that follow B like lost puppys they just want to BBBBBBBBB B's friend so inturn they wanna kiss ass and make nice wich inturn leades to defennding him such a some one did a few post ago and then right after they post that they feel the need to describe their relationship with B to me wich would only mean there seeing the error in there ways but saddly have no one to admit it to but them self. me and B have had prior convesations about this so this it not liek anything new that im just bringing up now cause of this thread. i ahd asked him initaly to stay out of things like this cause it only leads to further mouthing off from his peons and hangers on to what one might consider/call (the inside circle) i mean B's a big boy, do you really think he needs you deffending him? but then ontop of not even paying any attention to my request of staying out of the bullshit if it involves me personly and the other HSers but he gos on to say he agrees with the ass kiss who was saying B should be aloowed to say what ever he wants. well what Ass kiss seems to either not considder or not read is Bs remark about contractions in second grade (oh gee) im willing to bet im 10 times smarter then half the people he calls friends. it does not say much about him calling me stupid all this along with just having stooped really low.

B is suposed to set an example its as simple as that. now this does not mean i hate nor dislike B, i just feel hes got a few things that he should take into consideration befor opening his mouth on a thread of this nature. if he was just another HSer np but hes not so he should take more responsibility for his actions if he has any hope of improving the site or even just keeping it running. and all that is aside from his remark that i asume he thought would belittle me, but see some people dont realize that some stuff is in such bad taste that it Direclty reflects on there person/caricture but whats even worse is when a person is in such a bad place that something like that might be looked apon as something good or funny or even worse......an ok thing to do.

lol and people want to talk to me about "society" when theres many other people they could be dropping (what im sure they consider a big word) that word on according to their behavior
ya know i got a few smart ones to but this isint the time and se thats were we differ i can see that its not the right time ........and thats why your site is rampint stupidity you dont set a good example
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