Error Codes 10 And 41 B16a2

  • Thread starter Thread starter simonc
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Hi All,
We have a 1993 EG civic obd1 running a B16a2 with a P30 ecu.
All works fine, except the ECU is pulling error codes 10 (intake air temp) and 41 (primary o2 heater)

The car is obd1 as standard but was fitted with a one wire o2 sensor, plretty sure this is causing the 41 code. Does anyone know a way round this, or do we have to just find the other wires and hook up the four wire sensor?

Regarding code 10, does anyone know where the sensor should be? It's not on our intake manifold, Honda say it might be near the induction but we have an aftermarket induction fitted. How can we sort this code out?? The car is running fine.

Please help!