Favorite Games For Ps2

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well, i recently got a ps2... like a week ago...

other than gran turismo and grand theft auto, what are some of your favorite games? i'm looking into getting a couple to amuse myself with since i'm probably loosing my job, or at least getting my hours cut :/
theres a new game coming out in a few weeks called "help E do his ITR swap" should be pretty kick ass :)
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 16 2003, 04:55 AM
haha werd- i'm there dude. you know that

uh? why are you losing jooR job mang?
I used to play Tribes and Tribes2 on my CPU. I have seen that Tribes2 is out for the deuce now. Its a FPS(in case you didn't know). SOCOM is a dope ass game B! WRC is not too bad. UFC is tight. Too many to list yo.
WRC is ok, really not what i expected, but if u cant find it for $20 its well worth it. i think i herd somewhere that WRC 2 is commin out so u may want to get that as well.

but i think GT3 is prolly the best game ever for ps2 :(
Originally posted by sisteve@Jan 16 2003, 07:19 AM
uh? why are you losing jooR job mang?

at best, they are cutting my hours down...

once again, my boss didn't talk to us today (me and the dude i work with, chevy302dz on this site)
so yeah- it sucks.
they laid off the 2nd shift guy.... so who knows :(

get me a job at the hartford y0
Theres GTA3 Vice City. That game rocks balls.

Final Fantasy X if you're into RPG's.

Metal Gear Solid 2 (Metal Gear just rocks.)

SOCOM is good like said above.

Toyko Racer is decent, imports coming out the arse, also like said above.

....I'll ask my friend, he's a Sony Whore (buys nothing but sony electronics and jocks thier balls when he talks about electronics.)
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Jan 16 2003, 10:39 AM
Dynasty Warriors 3, that shit is fun forever!

:lol: u havent had it for a full month yet have you?

i got that game and played it for like 2 weeks strait, now the name just makes me feel :ph34r:
werd on tokyo extreme racer zero, that game is bad ass, ive been playing that game for like a week straight and I have a R32 thats twin turbo'd, its bad ass but gets frustrating. Well worth it.
complete and utter :werd: on tokyo extreme racer zero that game is the shiznit.I only rented it but I ended up with like 3 weeks of late fees, I may as well have bought it. when I returned It i had a Lancer Evo VII with like a 1000 horses it was sick I was unstoppable!!!
Originally posted by pissedoffsol+Jan 16 2003, 08:54 AM-->
@Jan 16 2003, 07:19 AM
uh? why are you losing jooR job mang?

at best, they are cutting my hours down...

once again, my boss didn't talk to us today (me and the dude i work with, chevy302dz on this site)
so yeah- it sucks.
they laid off the 2nd shift guy.... so who knows :(

get me a job at the hartford y0

why are they cutting/laying off when they just hired an influx of people?

Thats pretty wack

theres like nothing over here...everythings closed or they are moving people around...im looking myself!

speaking of the hartford,

you goign to email me back before I leave here today or keep me hangin :)