Ghost and the Paranormal

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I haven't really seen anything since I was little, but heard something about two years ago(right next to me, but I was too stupid to figure it out at first :lol:)...But my relatives and mother have had "encounters".

One of my cousin's account:
My cousin that lives roughly 100miles away from me lived in a old house for awhile(probably built during the 20s). Anyways, as clear as day, they've seen a little boy and little girl playing around or the boy writing something on the coffee table, etc. One instance, where it was like 5 or 6 of them playing in the living room, two apparitions came out of the bathroom and walked right by them and went through the front door. In that same house, his mom would use to get choked out while sleeping. They have many other encounters but that was the only one where it was blatantly right in front of them(rather walked between them).


My mom's is more comedic, almost typical FOB. Well, when she was taking a nap on the side of the road on a bnengh in Viet Nam, a little girl pushed her over. No one else was around. The little girl looked exactly like one of her relatives that died awhile back, so she realized it was a ghost. Anyways, she grabbed a butcher knife and pretty much tried to chase the ghost, which disappeared soon after. After the ghost disappeared, she said(doesn't directly translate, but you get it, "Come out and show yourself, I am not afraid. Why don't you come fuck with me now? Show yourself demon/monster, so I can cut you!"

Mine is when I was at my cousin's house(the same cousin as aforementioned, but different house) about two years ago. Everybody was in the dining room or living room, and I was in his room laying on his bed watching TV. Well, there's a window by his bed and my head was right by the window. While watching TV, I all of a sudden heard a girl laughing that sounded like it was right next to me. As dumb as I was, I look up, look around, and look out the window. No one there. I initial though it was the neighbor or my cousin's mom. I get up and go to the dining room to see if their mom or neighbor was there. Nope. Turns out their mom and the neighbor had went shopping somewhere. I didn't think anything of it until about 3 weeks later while my little cousins were staying in the house by themselves waiting for me to come pick them up. When I arrived, they just come running out the house. Well, they had the dog in the room in there with them and the door shut. They heard a laugh at the door and there was no one else home...the dog went crazy too. It wasn't until he told me that, that I realized I heard the same laugh that was next to me.

Also, we like to go ghost hunting a lot. I was getting goosebumps just typing all of that. I don't know why, I just like the thrill of something may happen, but I don't want to actually see anything.
Also, I should add, I have a picture of, what we believe to be, is a ghost. I'll post the pic in a bit...but I pretty much found the "ghost" by accident while just scrolling through the pictures and zooming in on random parts to see how sharp the camera was.

Note: there was no one there, door was closed, etc. etc. That's me and my brother(holding timing gun) working on his car btw. Zoom on the pic to the upper left hand corner(door of the house across the street)*


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what am i looking at? All i see is a man holding something and across the street is a glass door with the refection of tress and sunlight.

I believe in the paranormal if you let it get to you. I think its just the devils magic trying to lead you in and steering you away from ..... (insert whoever you believe in here)
That's what we thought too but that "reflection" doesn't show up in any other pictures from that angle nor is it even common to see reflections on that door(I guess it more has to do with the angle of the sun). It's possible, it could be a reflection, but it actually looks like a figure. Also, all those houses in that neighbor hood are like ~40 years old or older(that's in Greensboro, NC...a pretty old town and almost all the houses are really old except in the newer nighborhoods)..
see thats your head wanting to believe something is there. The more you think its a figure, the more it will become one.

Not comparing you to them but i reminds me of all these people worshiping things that look like Jesus or Mother Marie.

I've had more Elvis look a like jizz landings than i can count. I dont see any bitches worshiping MY cock.
I watch Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. I don't watch those other cheesy ones that think every little thing is something paranormal and they add a deep narrator voice with tons of music to influence the mind.

That being said, has anyone had anything paranormal happen to them? I'm not talking about seeing something out the corner of your eye. I'm talking about something that you know for a fact was paranormal and that there is NO DOUBT that another possibilty is/was present. If there is any doubt then 99.99% of the time it was just something explainable.

I work at a few different buildings that some say are haunted (grave yard/swing shift BTW). I've been at my current job for a little over two years and I haven't had or experienced anything happen to me.

So anyone got some good, REAL stories? Please no my uncle or in-law told me this, that, and the other crap...

im haunted by some punk ass biotch, who's should be here but isnt.
I see all kinds of shit. All the time.

I hear people talking all the time. Things move around on their own. The spots on the ceiling in my bedroom (knots in the wood) will move side to side, then up and down the pieces of wood. Creepy shit.

My shrink tells me that he wants to increase my dose though. ;)
Just kidding.
its cool i know your here in spirit

anyways I do have a story

a few years back I was renting his house, and me and a buddy of mine would be playing playstation at night and once and awhile my cats would hiss and howl at something in the kitchen with their backs arched and their fur standing on end, and a few times we would hear the water run in one of the bathrooms that was never used and we got up and looked and the sink was wet. and one of my memory cards was erased.
its cool i know your here in spirit

anyways I do have a story

a few years back I was renting his house, and me and a buddy of mine would be playing playstation at night and once and awhile my cats would hiss and howl at something in the kitchen with their backs arched and their fur standing on end, and a few times we would hear the water run in one of the bathrooms that was never used and we got up and looked and the sink was wet. and one of my memory cards was erased.
That is not fucking paranormal lol that shit happens all the time to me lol.
my mom had some shit happen with the ouija board back in the day. she pretty rarely tells this story but when she does it freaks everyone out. i guess my g'rents got her a ouija board for christmas and she and her girlfriends would play 'does he like me' or whatever. they always said mom was 'good' at it, blah blah i figure. i can push a plastic thingamabob around pretty good too. buuuuut there's no explaining this:

my g'rents were outta town and mom was staying the week over at her friend's house. they stopped by my g'rents house to pick up more clothes and whatnot and they're like, hey let's get the ouija board out. so they set up on the living room floor (low ass 60s fugly carpet). there was a long orange couch along one wall, and the dining table was along the other; the room was long and narrow, good place to stretch out and ouija i guess.

so they're asking lame boy questions and the slider thingy starts acting all jittery and mom's friend says 'cut it out i wanna see if he likes me' and mom's like 'stfu bitch i'm not doing that, you are' and they're both like...whaaaaa? and when they both let go of it it flew under the couch and they heard it hit the baseboard. they're pretty freaked, mom leans down to look under the couch and it ain't there -- at least it aint where it should be. so she gets a flashlight and looks some more, and it's about 3 feet further down the wall than it should be (based on where the ouija board was on the floor) and lodged against the doorjamb to the hallway (L-shaped, one way went to the front door, the other to the bedrooms).

so mom reaches under to get it and the little feet are all fuxxed up with dustbunnies -- evidence of some serious sliding (on carpet, remember). they're mildly freaked but you know, eh, wasn't a hoooge deal, and mom's friend is like i'm outta here, i'll go wait in the car go get your stuff together. so the friend goes out the front door and sits in the car; now the way the driveway was at my g'rents, you would sit in the driveway and you could see the top foot of the front screen door but the rest was blocked by some seriously thick shrubs. so the friend sees the door open/close but doesn't see mom come out, so figures mom forgot something. then she sees the door open/close again and here comes mom.

friend asks mom 'what'd you forget?' and mom's like 'wtf you talking about?' and the friend says well you came out and went back in and mom says she didn't, so they're like.....ok really we're soooo outta here. they told the friend's parents when they got to her house and the 'rents called the cops, who went by to check the house out.

they found a pile of cigarette butts and evidence of some pissing back behind the pine tree outside my mom's window, and figure that someone had been casing the house/my mom/her friend for a coupla days. mom thinks the spirits threw the ouija thing towards the front door as a 'get the hell out' message.

:shrug2: i'da pissed my pants. she has more fukt up ouija stories from college, but i'm not sure how interested you guys are coz they're kinda involved/longwinded.
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Yea you can talk to the dead with a board game.
I remember when I was like 10 years old, my cousin that I would chill with every weekend used to go stay with his dad in Seattle during summer break. One year he came back with a ouiji board and my aunt whooped his ass lol... good times...