Google Wave

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Well-Known Member
Anyone get into the limited preview? Are they doing invites with Wave? If so I would take one ;) Not really sure what it would be good for but I figured it may be worth checking out.
You have to be invited.

I have a Google account. Why can't I sign in to Google Wave? - Google Wave Help

Also What is Google Wave?
Google Wave is an online communication and collaboration tool that makes real-time interactions more seamless -- in one place, you can communicate and collaborate using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.

A wave is a conversation with multiple participants -- participants are people added to a wave to discuss and collaborate on its content. Participants can reply any time and anywhere within a wave, and they can edit content and add more participants as a wave develops. It's also possible to rewind waves with the playback functionality, to see what happened, and when.

It sounds like a webpage messenger service?
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I know I have to be invited. Which is why I am asking fellow hondaswappers for an invite.
its still pretty damn clunky right now. we have a few sandboxes at work and half the functionality they demo'd in the video isn't active in the sandboxes.
i sent a request for an invite.. if i get one i'll invite you