Help! Tail Light Problem

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Basically I'ts all summed up in the topic. I checked my lights before I started the car to bring it home. Then when I was ready to leave I started the car and since I was close to a wall it looked dark. I got out to look and my tail lights weren't working. When I turned the car off they were working again. I checked the tail light fuse and it was good.

Any ideas on the problem. I need these to work since I need to drive this car to work until I get some money for a boring 2g integra sedan (that has to stay stock this time.)

Please help.
the same happened to me.. and nothig was wrong with any of the wiring along the way... i essentially had to wire the tail lights up t oa switch :angry: not cool... good luck though
sounds like a short, but somethign like that happened to me in my saturn but it was the dash, anytime i turned the radio on the dash lights and instrument cluster would go on as long as the headlights were off, when i turned the headlights on all the interior lights would go off. I sold that peice of shit and thought nothing of it.
Are they the stock tail lights fromt he vehicle? Not do they fit right, but the stock ones? Ive seen many many many problems where the tail lights from one year car is swapped to another years and it does the same thing. Works when it wants, then when it dosent, all hell breaks loose. Ive seen it turn on dash lights when the brakes are hit and the brake lights when you go to light the cig. lighter. Weird shit! Anyone had this happen in their 90-93 teg?? Ive seen it 2 times on that car. People use the white and red lights instead of the red/amber/white. Just my thoughts