How many miles is too many miles?

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Junior Member
Hey all,

My 94 ls teg turned 150,000 miles today. I am getting some money soon for graduation and am considering some power mods beyond the normal bolt-ons. I want more power but was wondering if I would be a fool to boost a car with that many miles on it. I need the car to last me at least 2 years more of daily driving.
it's not miles . . . it's maintenance . . . if you took proper care of your motor then it shouldn't have any problem taking boost. There are people boosting motors that have 220,000+ miles on them, but it's just the maintaining that helps everything go great!
Do a leakdown test to be sure.

97-100% Very good.
92-96% Serviceable.
89-91% Acceptable, but should be fixed.
<88% Ya dun broke it.