How much money have you put into your car?

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Im just curious, Because I just sat down and figured out how much I have put into my 97 EK and I punched a hole it the wall when I was finished.

$15,293 Cost of the car included.
Or do the car payments not count?

Nah, seriously, probably $500 once it's all said and done. Floor mats, keyless entry, radio stuff, etc. And that's just the Fit.

I don't even want to know how much I dumped into the EJ9. It's probably somewhere around 20k.
About $1500 for my B-swapped EF, price of car included. :D
Im just curious, Because I just sat down and figured out how much I have put into my 97 EK and I punched a hole it the wall when I was finished.

$15,293 Cost of the car included.

I put about 15k into my Corvette when i had not, no including the price of the car which was 18k. And yes after a few years i sat down and wanted to punch a whole in my wall after thinking about all the money i dumped into it.

Supercharger kit, Intercooler, Exhaust, Fuel pump, ignition system, wires, plugs, injectors, tires and rims, transmission upgrade and labor.


I have $1600 into the Audi with the APR Stage 1 + Tune+ the 18,500 price tag
Shit, I need an oil change. about 400 in just maintinence, 1500 for the car. which isn't bad, because I paid 1200 for my bmw, and put 1200 into maintenance, then traded the fucker :beats head off wall: I miss it though.
the most money i have ever put in my car was about $213,000.00... it wasnt cash though... the most cash ive put in my car was probly around $15,000.00

never really tried to figure the value of other items ive put in my car... one night i had 2 hearts and a kidney in my car... yes they were human organs... but im not sure what they were worth... when i use to do medical deliveries i was also putting some pretty expensive ass prescription drugs in my car... some of them were worth $1000+ per dose, and it wasnt uncommon for me to have a bottle or bubble sheet of up to 100 of them... i had a shit ton of morpheine in the car a bunch of times... again not really sure waht the value was though
I could have paid for half my house with what i have put into my car. i stopped counting after 20,000 not including the car and that was about 4 years ago. Makes me sick to my stomach that i did that and paid cash for all of it.
I could have paid for half my house with what i have put into my car. i stopped counting after 20,000 not including the car and that was about 4 years ago. Makes me sick to my stomach that i did that and paid cash for all of it.

into a neon? can i smack you?
the G was $42,xxx after tax, tabs, licensing. it's bone stock

nissan rhd sil-80. about $10,000.

my old b16 coupe, $12,000 after the new body and paint.
Practically nothing into the cars themselves yet, but I've bought about 3-4 grand worth of tools to work on said cars. :ph34r:
Going on about $2,500. :D I know its a lot of money compared to some of you.
Small amounts still count, Money is money ;)

put about 15k into my Corvette when i had not, no including the price of the car which was 18k.
Wow man, thats alot of dough....Makes me feel a bit better.

I could have paid for half my house with what i have put into my car. i stopped counting after 20,000 not including the car and that was about 4 years ago. Makes me sick to my stomach that i did that and paid cash for all of it.
Now this is the kind of shit im talking about, Im not really a car guy...This was my first build ever and I spent 15k. But why do we obsess on our cars to the point of choosing to forget how much we spent.

I think we do it because we all know a car is a bad investment and if you wanted to sell you would only recoupe a fraction of what you put into it and thats a disgusting feeling knowing you pissed away that much cash.

I envy you guys that dont give a fuck and put basicly nothing into your ride...Your smarter than the guys who go balls out, Because I only spent 15k and I feel retarted :bangin:
I envy you guys that dont give a fuck and put basicly nothing into your ride...Your smarter than the guys who go balls out,
not really. mostly because they quite often don't have the money to spend on the car to begin with. if you can only afford $2k, $10k, whatever, you are still putting money into it.

more often than not, they would spend more if they had the money.
Do what makes you happy but be smart about it......ftrankly i would lvoe to mod up my Audi as stated in my previous post....but its not would make me happy though
more often than not, they would spend more if they had the money.
That's true, Its a sickness.

You know, Hind sight is always 20/20 and we learn how to make smarter decisions in life by make dumb one's first I guess.

Do what makes you happy but be smart about it
Thats just a good quote man, and being smart about it takes ALOT of planning and budgeting to make the best decisions, and spend your money in the most efficient way possible.
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just think, for 17k, you could've had a supercharged e36 m3. instead you have a civic. lol

ehh, we've all been there. i dumped a ton of money into my del sol... oh well, it was fun.

car parts! at least it's not drugs :)
just think, for 17k, you could've had a supercharged e36 m3. instead you have a civic. lol

ehh, we've all been there. i dumped a ton of money into my del sol... oh well, it was fun.

car parts! at least it's not drugs :)

thats the truth. we do it for fun, not economics.

and it makes us value ready built cars when we could afford them.

when you get older, you realize that cars that are clean, new, and fast are much more fun than building something. it's the end result without the headache.