How will the world end?

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so, what do you think?

with all the talk abotu skynet and the terminator posts the pass couple days... its about time we have an end of the world thread.

do you think something like skynet is inevitbible, where computers willt ake over the world, become self-aware and kill all humans cuz we are viri?

think it will be a meteror?

global warming?


stds? other disease?
We will deplete all of the resources on this planet, and still not have the knowledge to create our own fossil fuels, ultimately reverting us back to pre-civilization. The sun will burn out, but the Earth will have been ravaged of all it's recources well before that.
No, we're smart enough to figure out how to fuel ourselves. The technology is already out there for hydrogen fuel, etc.

We're going to start a nuclear war, like in T3, except it ain't gonna be the computers doing it. It's going to be our own dumb asses escalating war and violence like we're doing in Iraq right now. If our administration had been smart enough to go into Iraq, kick some major ass (like we did) and then get out, we'd be fine. The fact that we're still there, creating unrest and ill feelings, is pissing the world off. For Christ's sake, we just took over a holy city and we're barring entry into one of the holiest mosques in the world! How fucking stupid can we be?
I believe what the famous philosipher nostra damus(sp?) said, the world will end in neuclear holocaust from a war with the middle east. Or a repeat of what happened to noah only it will be fire this time.
All the males in the world will contract a disease and die out leaving only females and a few males who were immune to the disease forcing those few surviving males to become pawns in the giant mad-max style war between the females of the post-apocalyptic world. They'll be forced to wear explosive-charged metal codpieces so the enemy can't steal them, and to reproduce on command.

I love that movie.
Originally posted by DarkHand@Aug 12 2004, 10:17 AM
All the males in the world will contract a disease and die out leaving only females and a few males who were immune to the disease forcing those few surviving males to become pawns in the giant mad-max style war between the females of the post-apocalyptic world. They'll be forced to wear explosive-charged metal codpieces so the enemy can't steal them, and to reproduce on command.

I love that movie.
[post=375931]Quoted post[/post]​

I hope I am one that Survives. I would then bang ever chick I could see.

WTF is skynet?
were one step closer with arnold being governator and all. honestly i think cows will start eating us... or who knows... maybe the world wont end..
i'm not too sure... however, it's very possible for a nuclear war, which for some reason i keep thinking will happen...

basically... the world is a fucked up place, and i think humankind will destroy ourselves... technology is making us forget to trust our instincts... media driving us to eat processed foods... just all these little things will finally add up.
Like in the movie ...Time Machine....heavy construction on the moon to build civilzation resulting in a demolition blast that goes wrong causing the moon to crash into the earth..... god that would be so cool
It won't. We won't be doing any heavy underground work on the moon anytime soon, and we'll know what not to do by then.

Sure, the sun will flare up to a red giant, then down to a white dwarf... at least that's what's supposed to happen. That's four and a half billion years away. I'd hope that in four billion years we'd have the technology to rejuvinate fusion within a star.

If Earth does come to some bad ending, we'll head to another planet. Maybe Mars or to another star. We've found hundreds of other solar systems, one of them has gotta have a planet or moon that can support human life.
There are three ways I think we are going to die. As far of my thinking.

The first way is this:
What I think is just what I said on the "Virus Cell Phone Post" , Where going to die by our own technology, and then we will go back to the medieval era. On a computer anything gos wrong. Thats why the U.S government still manualy launch nuclear missiles. What I think later on they will make one computer take care of everything and then thats where we are going to have a problem.

The Second Way it this:
All this crap with floods, unexpected hurricanes, and mother natural ect. Which is something having to do with the Ozone layer detoriating and global warming. Which will kill us too.

And the third way is:
In the bible(havent read it but my dad to me this) that when god got rid of bad people the first place was water . The great deluvial, Noah's ark, ect. Well when God's Judgment Day comes we will not die by water but by fire. So it is either the sun crashing to us or the earth crashing to the sun or a big fire storm or asteroid.
These are my opinions and way of thinking.
well, to go with your third theory:

the sun is expanding... and in a few million years, will be so big it well envelop earth... essentially... killing us with fire.... point to ponder.
Originally posted by StarBellieAngel@Aug 12 2004, 02:38 PM
well, to go with your third theory: a few million years...
[post=376029]Quoted post[/post]​

in a few million years ill probly be dead

we're definatly going to blow ourselves up

How the world wil end
I think other countries are going to get sick of us always being the topdog and they are all going to gang up on us.
Yeah, but they can't really do that, at least not all together. One country or another may take a shot at us, but they all can't gang up on us.

Because we feed so much money into the world economy, and we export so many good and resources. Our science and technology research and development are among the top in the world. We've been silently designated the world's police.

So it's sort of a Catch 22. Alot of the world hates us, but they can't do anything about it without destroying themselves.
The world "as in the existance of humans" will never end. We have proved by way of our Jerry Springers, our OJ's , our right wing Nazis, and our left wing flamming liberals that we are infact just as disgusting of a race as the cockroch. At least enough of us will survive to re poplulate the earth, at a minumum. The Black Plauge didn't do it, and neither will anything else...