Howard Stern

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To those in the VA area, I listen to Elliot in the Morning. :thumbsup:

Him, Diane, Tyler, and the crew are funny as fuck. Grow out a stache biatch !
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To those in the VA area, I listen to Elliot in the Morning. :thumbsup:

Him, Diane, Tyler, and the crew are funny as fuck. Grow out a stache biatch !

Meh.. Hes ok.

I have Sirius and for the most part in the AM I play CNBC if not that I check out 1 of the 100 ad free music stations.

Now that I've had Sat Radio I could never EVER go back to normal radio. more then 50% of my driving time is spent fliping channels on normal radio due to to much DJ talk about bullshit crap I could give a fuck about or just random ads.
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To those in the VA area, I listen to Elliot in the Morning. :thumbsup:

Him, Diane, Tyler, and the crew are funny as fuck. Grow out a stache biatch !

Meh.. Hes ok.

I have Sirius and for the most part in the AM I play CNBC if not that I check out 1 of the 100 ad free music stations.

Now that I've had Sat Radio I could never EVER go back to normal radio. more then 50% of my driving time is spent fliping channels on normal radio due to to much DJ talk about bullshit crap I could give a fuck about or just random ads.

Exactly, would you like some music with your commercials? Some of the talk on fm in my area is ok, but the commercials are out of control. Probably 30 stations here with more commercials than anything else until after hours.
Bah, I'm a poor college student as it is. I don't need to waste my money on satelite radio. I'll stick to FM radio thanks, it's not that important to me. Besides, do they have portable Siriuses or attachements to bikes?
i used to have sirius for a long time, about 2 years ago. It is cool for the first 2/3 months but the reception sucks if you keep the antenae in the car. I mounted it on the back deck of my hatchback and whenever i went under a bridge or used my rear window wiper it went out. Some stations are censored and do have brief sirius commercials. And they took away my old school rap station :cry:
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i used to have sirius for a long time, about 2 years ago. It is cool for the first 2/3 months but the reception sucks if you keep the antenae in the car. I mounted it on the back deck of my hatchback and whenever i went under a bridge or used my rear window wiper it went out. Some stations are censored and do have brief sirius commercials. And they took away my old school rap station :cry:

LOL you put your antenna inside your car? Do we have a icon saying wheres your sign?

The only time I ever lose reception is when I go uver an over pass and when it does cut out it goes out for a total of 1 sec. (about the time it takes to drive thru it)

I've yet to have it cut off becuase of weather, or trees. only solid cement overpasses.

The music stations are 100% commercial free once again the ONE HUNDRED MUSIC stations are 100% ad free,
The other stations like CNBC, Discovery, ESPN, Sports, other random shit, have ads, why? becuase they need to fill the time when the real show goes to a break. Channels like Rawdog (comedy) do have ads, but they're very short, (1-2 commercials every 30 mins or so) VS FM radio that plays 6-8 commercials every 30-60 mins.

Channel 1-99 100% free music.

100-101 Howard, as of right now doesnt have ads, at least I don't think so.

102+ to like 180ish has ads, when its a radio program they're very short, when its a tv program like MadMoney the Ads last as long as the show thats playing real time on TV runs the break.

As far as some stations being censored, thats also wrong, unless you count shows that are made for both TV and Radio, So you wont here bad words on ESPN, CNN, Sports games, anything else played live on tv. wah fucking wah.

Anything on Sirius/XM that's live (for sat radio) or was first recorded unedited it will get played in full.

in 3-4 months Ive heard one beep on the comedy station, and that was due to it being a run off of some tv show.

I'm one cheap ass bastard, I really am, I hate spending money. However, Sat radio is something I'm willing to pay for years to come, I currently pay for 2 plans, one for my car and one for my house, its THAT good.