Im gonna be a dad.

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Me -->
<-- Alex
Your Girl----^

*laughing out loud@ rotisserie*

congrats dude.
Nice one incorperating my avatar style points to you my friend. I know its all good clean fun thats why I keep coming back here. Assholes.
Quoted post[/post]]
Maybe it's not yours? j/k


If a mixed baby comes out you know who to look for =)

On the boob juice note, I've heard straight from mothers that it taste like total shit.
for the record, when I knock up B Im going to try some of his boob juice, just so I can know how bad it really does taste.

On another note, store brand VS name brand. that all depends. Safeway makes some really good storebrand items. I would buy the smallest pack of poocatchers from them and compair them with the namebrand ones, just feel the liner, and pour some blue or pink fluid into them (like on TV) and see how much they suck up.
I believe most people have issues with the cheap ones causing rashes and such where the poocatcher meets the legs. its made of a cheaper pastic and after rubbing the skin for awhile it can cause problems.

I can't wait to have a child, that is the #1 thing Im looking forward to in my lifetime as of right now even knowing that its a 24/7 thing that takes 120% of your time. after having a baby my guess is that baby turning 18 is the next greatest thing to look forward to in life.

As stated before when it comes to tax time its one of the best damn writeoffs you can get even more so if you can list the mother as a dependent. you might need to be married to do that but Im not sure.

Find a way to fake losing $3500 in the stock market, buy a house, and have a baby.
That would make for one kick ass tax write off.

About birthcontrol.

most are 99% effective when takin right. Most every girl I know DOES NOT I repeat DOES NOT do it right unless its the shot.

main thing women use is the pill. welp you need to take that pill at the SAME TIME every single day. if you're off an hour or two you REDUCE the chance of it working. some girls forget 1 day so they take 2 the next or they're just off 5-6 hours. doing things like that can reduce the chance of it working up 50%+
on top of that if shes on any meds that can also cancel the whole thing.

Condom + pill = baby is still very rare. but shit happens. or maybe 92civicb18b1 saw a picture of your girl and thought about her.
You're fuckin' gross.

Hey, remember that time on Hondaswap when Celerity said that you were fuckin' gross?
Well bitches guess what??? Im having a son. We also got to tape the ultra sound they can do some weird shit that damn ultra sound equitment. we got to see all of his bones, his brain. He is one active little guy too. Im gonna try and get the pictures scanned and post them up. Welp just thought Id share the news.

(On a side note who was it that was getting all pissed off about welp not being a word?)
Yup Logan Charles NotGonnaPostTheLastName. Charles being my dad's first name. My family actually had a naming tradition but my dad broke it because he didnt want to name his son Elmer. Understandable right?
that's funny... my first son is Kyle Matthew James (Matthew being his father, James being MY father)

my second is Tsi David Norman... David being his father (yes, they both have different dads) and Norman being David's father...

wicked. congrats! :)
Nice, I dig the name Logan. As long as you didn't name him Kyle. I would've had to go George Carlin on yo ass!!! LOL! J/K!

But that was the first thing I thought of. :laugh:
Yeah Im pumped. I would have been just as excited if it where a girl but.... Im a guy and damn it I wanted a son. Hey wicked this is alittle off topic but where you ever a member on Im pretty sure that was the URL for the site. A guy named Frozen was the Web Admin I belive.
congrats man....i couldnt deal with a be a shotgun wielding protective father from hell. at least with a boy there is always the.....i dunno need not to be such a hard ass.
well here are the pictures of my soon to be born baby boy logan.



And the picture of what I wanted to see.

So is he hung like a donkey?

hard to see that last pic...hehe