Is an LSD really worth it??

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When i buy my b16 should I get an LDS with my tranny? Is it worth the extra $300? What does it do exactly? Thanks!

Yes, the factory LSD is worth every penny of the $300. They help immensely with launching and even more so with cornering. No one-wheel-wonder anymore! Trust me, the LSD is fooking awesome. :)
do you know what one-wheel-wonder burnouts are?

an lsd will basically lock your front axel so that each wheel gets equal power. it's called a limited slip because one wheel can spin faster than the other. if it didn't, you'd have problems turning.

advantages are better launches, and for $300, and if you drag race, it is very worthwhile.
It would still be a bargain if it were $600 extra. Great for cornering...and the two wheel burnouts are just too cool not to have one.