Its vacation time ...

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hell yeah!! we also bought 5lbs of shrimp STRAIGHT off of the boat haha... like the dude went, caught them, pulled up to the dock, and we bought it. it was the best shrimp in the world!! my mom doesnt even like seafood and she liked them! :)

and in the picture we were eating some of that red snapper we caught ;) you can tell Matty was enjoying it LMFAO

also idk if i posted this one. you can see what all we caught. (i caught most of them lol) we got red, white, and black snapper. Vermillion Carp. Trigger Fish. and a Chocolate Pogey.

the dudes that were running the charter boat we were fishing on said that we had probably around 150 dollars worth of fish had we went to a market and bought it. apparently trigger fish are really hard to catch, and the vermillion carp is supposed to be some of the best fish you can eat flavor wise.
Man that reminds me of going spear fishing with my grandpa back in Hawaii on the north shore. And im talking old school spear fishing like: snorkle_mask_fins_3 prong rod_and rubberband.

Theres nothing like eating fresh seafood!!!