Mazda Sales

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Senior Member
I am now a local Mazda Sales Representative. I wonder if it'll hurt business having a sweet-ass Honda parked in front... ANYWAYS, start tomorrow (Sat. Nov. 6th 8:30am PST) I'm so freaking happy. This has been my dream job since I was able to work. Well, not particularly Mazda, but selling cars. Once O get some experience under my belt I'm heading straight to Honda!
I always thought selling cars would be a cool job, but after doing some research on the industry ive found its kind of a bummer. I mean to be a good salesman you end up having to take advantage of the customers ignorance, and many sales tactics seem outright dirty to me. I mean the thought of being able to hang around and talk about cars all day is kind of appealing but, for me, would end up being a real bummer. In any case I hope you enjoy your job and hook me up with a free lsd for my miata :P
Originally posted by Guy@Nov 5 2004, 07:55 PM
I always thought selling cars would be a cool job, but after doing some research on the industry ive found its kind of a bummer. I mean to be a good salesman you end up having to take advantage of the customers ignorance, and many sales tactics seem outright dirty to me. I mean the thought of being able to hang around and talk about cars all day is kind of appealing but, for me, would end up being a real bummer. In any case I hope you enjoy your job and hook me up with a free lsd for my miata :P
[post=412859]Quoted post[/post]​

You dont have to rip off customers if you can get enough to buy from you.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Nov 5 2004, 11:27 PM
there's no money in hondas man. go to bmw :)
[post=412940]Quoted post[/post]​

There will be more money in Honda because theres more sales. The larger profit margin that the dealership makes from selling a BMW opposed to a Honda probably will never be seen by the salesman. His best bet would be selling a greater volume of Hondas but Mazda's sales are doing pretty damn well right now.

My advice, attempt to make a favorable deal for yourself but don't become a crook or sleezy. The high pressure tactics of many fellow salesman drive me out of the showroom or store.
It would be nice to buy a car from a car guy, not just a sales guy. I was looking at a new Si the other day and the sales guy started talking about how reliable the motor was because they have used that "same series of motors for over 10 years." I just smiled at the guy and said wow. So just don't be that guy and everything will be great!!
I heard from a guy that sells subarus that acting dumb will sell a lot of cars.
In general, commission is 22% of profit. So, needless to say... you're right on the bulk-Honda to one-Beamer thing. Hondas are made cheap... and sold for alot... whereas BMW's are made expensive, and sold for alot. A car salesman is a car salesman. Quantity is EVERYTHING.

Oh yeah, my first day of work was AWESOME. I just stood around talking about cars and smoking all day. Took an '05 RX-8 for a joy ride... All I can say is that 238hp is a whooooooooole f-ing lot, buddy. Oh my GOD! Once I can, I'm buying one. No questions asked.

Hopefully I make a sale tomorrow. I actually start selling selling tomorrow and not lame training (watching videos about crap I already know). Wish me lizzuck!
dont like the new miata... one of my freinds has one... with exhaust... it loses, specially to the talon :)