Mike Tyson

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As possibly the weirdest course of events ever tonight, I just finished smoking 2 blunts with "Iron" Mike Tyson. I was at my best friends house playing video games with him and another one of my friends, when his mom bursts in and says Mike Tyson is next door.

Now shes a pretty big drunk and we live in a fairly white part of town, so we figure shes just wasted. My friend asks her if he had a big tattoo on his face and she said yeah. We walked out back and sure as schitt Mike Tyson was 1 house over on the porch drinking a Corona. I had my digital camera and his parents were talking to them for a few minutes, so one of my friends walked over and asked if we could have a picture. We took a picture with him and right after he said something about smoking a blunt. By now there are 4 of us, and one of my friends asks him if he wants to smoke.

Tysons eyes lit up and he got all happy like "I like you boys". We ended up smoking 2 blunts with him and hung out for like a half hour before we left.

I walked up front after and there was a brand new Rolls Royce Phantom parked right across the street from my car (with a big scrape on the bumper from them backing into something).

He's definately a crazy mofo. He kept talking about the most random stuff and Jews for Jesus and all kinds of crazy stuff.

This was definately one of the storys that no one will believe when I go into work tomorrow. :lol:
<high pitched girls voice>

My defense is impregnable... I want to eat his children

</high pitched girls voice>

Badass day dude, I'd love to smoke a fatty with such a crazy dude. He didn't rape you did he?
And for those who don't beleive me...




Notice the fucked up rear bumper. It probably costs more to fix that than my car is worth :lol:
Weird Shit! Mike Tyson=One crazy Mofo

And where do you live again?
dude, i'll admit it, i was callin bs...but the pics say it all...that is some cool shit. is his voice really that high in person?
Nice! I was about to call BS, that you guys were smoking some shit laced with something, but goddamit, that's Mike Tyson! You shoulda hit him and see what he did. :lol:
Originally posted by rudeludenotmeanthough@Jul 17 2003, 06:47 PM
Are you sure you wernt halucinating (spell check??)

are you sure you dont smoke :P

...smoking is gay..."

you're a minority here so far and I like that :D

as for the blunt w/tyson....I knew it...who else would be so hungry a ear looked good :lol:
but in all seriousness thats way cool and nice ride :D
Originally posted by mattcalica@Jul 17 2003, 08:38 PM
is his voice really that high in person?

Yeah its somewhat high, but not compared to a little school girl, which most people say it is. I'm guessing its beause of steroid use.

And where do you live again?

I live in Long Island NY

And yes, dohcvtec_accord, I thought i was hallucinating at first too. :lol:

I was gonna try and punch him after we smoked just playing around but he probably would have tossed me like nothing.
Originally posted by deth101@Jul 17 2003, 08:53 PM
as for the blunt w/tyson....I knew it...who else would be so hungry a ear looked good

Hahaahahahahah :lol: That's some funny shit.

He actually fucked up his ride on the way over to my neighbors house, someone backed into him at a stop sign. Probably because they were shocked at the sight of the car. :lol:
holy shit!!! see not always people are bullshitting. Does anyone else believe you! if you didn't show them the pics.
your a doofus, you should have like stepped on his foot and made him punch you
or somehting, just think you could have been like 2 million richer!!!!!!

You better go find him :)
Originally posted by sisteve@Jul 17 2003, 05:00 PM
your a doofus, you should have like stepped on his foot and made him punch you
or somehting, just think you could have been like 2 million richer!!!!!!

You better go find him :)

good idea, i didn't even think of that! it would only hurt for a little while, haha
Better yet, I should have whipped out my camera while Tyson was hittin the blunt, then see which tabloid would give me more money. :lol:

And they said smoking pot will lead you nowhere. ahaha