My 79 1200

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Im never selling this car, and yes with my 200lb brother in the car it will only chirp a tire, and fall on its face when you shift, Im deff putting nice seats then wheels then paint, then swap, also I cannot sell this vehicle, like I said I had a family member sign as lein holder on the title soo I can not sell it without their signature, theres nothing owed on it, but it ensures I cant make a fucking stupid trade i will regret
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Im never selling this car, and yes with my 200lb brother in the car it will only chirp a tire, and fall on its face when you shift, Im deff putting nice seats then wheels then paint, then swap, also I cannot sell this vehicle, like I said I had a family member sign as leon holder on the title soo I can not sell it without their signature, theres nothing owed on it, but it ensures I cant make a fucking stupid trade i will regret



Lein'? Gawd Damm son - get it right!!! LIEN LIEN LIEN as in Lien Holder. What the fuck were you doing in the 4th grade - picking your nose and eatin' the boogers?

While we're at it, this whole paragraph looks like shit. Like some Inbred Buck Toothed Retard right out of Deliverance wrote it.

"I(')m never selling this car - yes with my 200( )lb brother in the car it will only chirp a tire, and (it) fall(s) on it(')s face when you shift(.) I(')m def(initely) putting nice seats(,) then wheels(,) then paint, then swap(.) (DELETE: also) I cannot sell this vehicle, like I said(,) I had a family member (co-)sign as (lien)lein holder on the title so(DELETE: o) I can('t) (DELETE: not) sell it without their signature(.) (T)here(')s nothing owed on it, but it ensures I can(')t make a fucking stupid trade (Capital: I) will regret(.)"

You keep this shit up and I'm going to start charging for the spelling and grammar lessons.

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I bet the alien space jizz looked better than a rattle can over it. If you were going that route going to a different color would have been better since you wouldn't have to worry about matching the red.
it matched pretty well actually, and what does it matter at this point the car allready needs paint. I literally ONLY taped off around the stripe, sprayed it, let dry, wet sanded, and cleared over, fuck it night time pic and other shit pictures , more shit pictures later, flame on



On the engine, I looked at several factors when I did the ZC swap into my '91 hatchback. One was weight, I considered a B18 in the mix. For your car, if that little eggbeater pumped 125 WHP, I'd be very tempted to bring it back, rather than swap in a much heavier power plant. Maybe even some mild boost - the car will probably handle better with the 1200 in it. It's sure stop faster.
Meh both aluminum engines, this motor could use re-ringed and new valve stem seals, smokes above 5000, I really just want to put a carb'd sohc/dohc zc in it, might even do the 4x100 conversion for bigger brake options