My own Breakfast

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I'll start looking for another job. Yale taught me valuable lessons.
That's actually not too far from reality. She has a lot of guys trying to talk to her. I put them all to SHAME today though.

I pointed out everything that a guy does to be sly about getting a girl, and it was (of course) everything these guys are trying to do to her. I ratted us out :)

But I'm the only white guy after her, and that's gotta be remarkable in the least.

But I also found out that her ex has been with her for like, 6 years. He moved in with her through her pregnancy, at age 15 living at the house, flipping burgers to make bills and stuff. She actually really liked him until he just up one day and dumped her. Gave her money, pays her childsupport voluntarily. He's making a ton of money now and obviously needed a new girlfriend.

So now all of her friends are going after her - buying her expensive things and shit (One got her a cell phone, I told her NEVER to call me on it). And she "Wants to be single" and I found out why.

Because all of this happened 2 weeks ago.

I have my own theories - but I wanna hear what you guys get from this.
91CRX snapped me out of it.

I'm no longer crushing on this security guard. I'll talk to her, but holy baggage.

EDIT: Not like I care about the baggage. But she's been single for 2 weeks and she'll be playing me for a long time. Move along. Say hi at work and look good. that's the plan, stan.
Yeah, this sucks. The Celerity Answering machine is empty, with cobwebs over it. I'm all outta prospects, nothing is moving forward.

I can't get my eyebrows pierced, because apparently they close up in like 2 hours. I'm an empty husk of a man now.

I'm gonna go to the beach, grab a bucket of sand, come back to the house and pound it up my ass. I haven't even been on the bike this weekend (Driving the jeep, top and doors removed). Had to wear sandals to complete the douchebag imagery, finger-banged a few girls on the sidewalk and they turned away, disgusted.

The bike does work. I think I'll take it out tomorrow.

And traded in the Yaris today for a veedub.
You did what? To a perfectly good japanese car? Why?

Look into getting your nipples pierced. It's a nice versatile piercing, because nobody knows it's there unless you want them to. And it's a good excuse to take your shirt off for someone. It's worked wonders for me. :D
ok so i have to do it...
Dodge,Grab life by the horns---
Childsupport,Grab men by the balls--

Yes, but he bought a VW. Not a Dodge, and he doesn't pay child support -- yet.
Yes, but he bought a VW. Not a Dodge, and he doesn't pay child support -- yet.
i wants refering to the vw when i said that/it was supposed to be a funny..
if you look again you can see that i quoted "pays her childsupport"
refering back to the black lady hes been trying to hookup with
Steve, I woke up with close to the same attitude today. Just generally down from relationships. I spent so long not caring about a relationship, passing up opportunities with girls possessing personalities I can't stand and thinking nothing of it. Mainly because they were the type of girls to confront me, and in said cases that was a bad thing. Well, I got back into the game a little while back and it just fucking sucks. It's all about staying upbeat and it's impossible when focusing on something that isn't going your way. That being said, get on your damn bike and enjoy yourself.

I have found one girl with a personality that clashes with mine and that's why I woke up a 3pm today. Actually, I left a thread hanging about getting into the game. I'll go update that.
I'm in a better mood today.

I figured out how to do the piercings and still be able to go to work. Pics to be posted when I can.

I'm at work now.

The Beetle is an 04 convertible Turbo. 5 speed, sky blue, grey interior... TAPE DECK (I mean, what the fuck. Tape deck ?!) Mint condition, all the options. heated seats, mirrors, 17" wheels, not a scratch. $14,000. Traded the Yaris in with $10,000 note. Increased payments by about $50 and added another year to the term length.

It's my mom's car. The Yaris I was a co-signer on. This week I have a Jeep with the top off (And I've been surprised by 4 storms so far)

As far as the pining for her thing, I wrote her an email that said "hey" and nothing else. (My friend called it an "emo-mail") and I haven't gotten any response. At least I know she's not sorry for what she did. So that helps me put her out of mind.

The rest, dunno. I'm kinda numb to it today. Some girls are striking up conversations with me in line and at places, but nothing panning out beyond that. It's _something_.
Good deal, you gonna use clear dummies(or w/e they would be called) while at work?

The car sounds awesome, I hope the convertible top lasts longer than the one on my Le Baron did. Emo-mail makes me laugh.
The clear dummies wouldn't even work now. And you can't use them during the healing process (your skin has no problem bonding to acrylics or plastics)
Oh, that doesn't sound fun at all. I have never had a piercing if you can't tell. Wait... did you get pierced this morning before work?
Oh, that doesn't sound fun at all. I have never had a piercing if you can't tell. Wait... did you get pierced this morning before work?

No, but funny enough, I got some cheap shitty jewelry last week. I was enthused. So I went out and looked around, bought some shards of metal for a buck or so and brought it home.

One of the things I got was a solid loop. It is very well machined, and has no ball on it (It's not a capture.. you just split it apart with your finger tips, put it through the hole, and clamp it back on with your fingers). So for fun I decided to just clamp em on to my ears. I had no intent on getting my ears pierced at all. But I slapped em on and found that I actually kinda dug it. So I started talking about getting my ears done.

Now I'm going a bit crazy. I want an industrial / ear cage too. But I digress:

These things sit in my ear and look / feel fine. So I decided that I'll keep em around as spares or what not, attached to my ears. So after a few days of wearing them, now I find that they fit really tight and in my mind : Victory. Fuck it, why get them pierced if I don't have to ? Am I going to be picked on by all the non-comformists for "not doing it right"? That would be classic.

so now I just wear these things clamped into my ear . No piercing, sue me.
No, but funny enough, I got some cheap shitty jewelry last week. I was enthused. So I went out and looked around, bought some shards of metal for a buck or so and brought it home.

One of the things I got was a solid loop. It is very well machined, and has no ball on it (It's not a capture.. you just split it apart with your finger tips, put it through the hole, and clamp it back on with your fingers). So for fun I decided to just clamp em on to my ears. I had no intent on getting my ears pierced at all. But I slapped em on and found that I actually kinda dug it. So I started talking about getting my ears done.

Now I'm going a bit crazy. I want an industrial / ear cage too. But I digress:

These things sit in my ear and look / feel fine. So I decided that I'll keep em around as spares or what not, attached to my ears. So after a few days of wearing them, now I find that they fit really tight and in my mind : Victory. Fuck it, why get them pierced if I don't have to ? Am I going to be picked on by all the non-comformists for "not doing it right"? That would be classic.

so now I just wear these things clamped into my ear . No piercing, sue me.
eventually from wearing them your skin right around the points are going to "wear" and be used to the ring,so itll get soft,,and youll eventually end up with a hole...
my sister did that with a lip ring type deal..just wore it clanped down,and eventually the ring was through..
Now I'm going a bit crazy. I want an industrial / ear cage too.

once i get the money im getting my industrial ;) i have both lobes and the left cartilage right now. Chicks digs cartilage piercings on dudes, im telling you. All girls give me compliments on it lol. and they are easy to hide at work because i can just put my hair over it.