My own Breakfast

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I just got a response from her.

Emomail strikes again:

"oh hi."

Nice. Well played.
Me: Hey

Her: oh hi

How are you ?

Im doing, trying to stay alive I guess you

My heart skips every other beat. Asking what's real, or not. And Why.
Wondering how you are.

well Im ok I think

I miss talking to you.

That's it. No response. I'm sure if she hated me she wouldn't have responded, or responded with "go away".

I'll see if I get a response today.
Yes, I'm like that in real life too. I've spoken to her like this, and she has shown appreciation for it. That's why I said the creepy thing in the email. It's not out of character, and character that I know she responds well towards.
My advice. Just bang a bunch of unhappy married women. It worked for me through my single time.

P.S. At no time did I write poetry or really even be nice to them. The asshole approach works better for me.
I haven't read much but caught got caught up some what quick. Here I can help you with this one chick you want to bang.

Say this sentence with me. I am banging the security guard.

'Fin. You can thank me now.
= shotgun in the face. People get pretty territorial about that kind of thing. Oh well, at least you made it out alive.

Oh I know its messing with fire. But, its also nice to know what the actual relationship is based on and neither of the parties are waisting any time with petty stuff.
Oh, I'm not writing poetry for all of them. I really like the Goth girl. The most I can say about her feelings on me, I'm sure I intrigue her. I almost sealed the deal before, somehow, pissing her off about not owning a car.

But now I have a truck. It's a fucking tank.
My poetry went like this.

I heard someone wants to beat your ass.

Her: "Who?"

My Balls.

Seriously drop the poetry. Did you ever see the Be-Dazzled movie. Next you will be talking about dolphin safe tuna crying at sunsets. hahaha.. j/k
Dude, you're pretty good with a wrench, but an epic failure with the women.

Not looking for wizard sleeve here.
Look at my hair and you could tell. haha.

I mean the one thing that has always worked for me was confidence. I have no problem walking up to any woman at any time and introducing myself. All day long I do sales, and meeting women all you are doing is selling yourself. I can do that pretty easily. Hell on a good night I can pull 125 bucks off just giving handy's out to the homeless.

Anyways. Confidence is key, if you do not believe in yourself before going in for the kill nothing will ever come out of it. However if you go in knowing you can pwn this chick and its a said done deal even before going in then typically the chances are always better. However, if she does turn you down you will be in the same situation you would of been in before going in all soft.

Go down there if you want her and use this line. "Excuse me chick, how would you like 9" of limp dick shoved down your throat.".

Always works. Ok well it did with a couple strippers.
Not looking for wizard sleeve here.
those usually come with curse only the wizards salve can cure. Can't argues the confidence point though women are like sharks, they can smell the slightest drop of insecurity in the water from over a mile away.
Last two pages. I caught the drift that you were upset no chicks calling and running out of prospects.

One thing that did bug me by what you typed. First I am not attacking I am just an arguementative person. "You ratted us guys out about how slick we are.".

A) Thats a no dick move and it seems like you might be the guy who would tell his friends girlfriend that your friend (her boyfriend) is cheating on her in order to get some from so called friends girl friend. I hope your not a hoes before bro's type of girls.

B) Remember this. Its always easier to bash the competition. However, showing your better is the actual hard sale.

Again. Its a slow day in the office today since its Monday and I really don't feel like doing anything. That and I need to browse this site more often.
Whoa whoa whoa... Back up clown:

I would take my friend's girlfriends ? Wow. Ok, how about "no". I've got more sense in the corn in my shit to do that.

My bashing of others around here is that you're (You all) are completely full of shit. Once I hang out in dumpsters and hunt down low-esteem slag type of girls, I'll come to you for advice.

The Security guard is the only chick I've considered making into a "friends with benefits" because her lifestyle doesn't mesh with mine. My statements in this thread were in an effort to make this the goal, honestly - without the subterfuge of slick pick-up lines and appres-peux rhetoric that seems to seep out of most of you like condensation on the side of the toilet.

Most of this thread is dedicated to getting attractive girls, but then not sealing the deal because I won't use the usual acts and cons into getting in their panties. My personality is grave, and anything else is just an act. The output of this thread will be some sort of advice for all, not the least of whom is me, to be able to live their lives honestly and still get the pay-off enjoyed by the poseurs and the popped-collar meek.