N-ter Cooler

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I amtrying to get the most out of my turbo so I am considering adding the Nitrous N-ter cooler but am wondering if it really works very good or is there anyother alternatives. I know you could use wate rinjection but I amnot sure I want to go that route, any other ideas.
I will eventually way way way down the road get one. For now just route your wiper sprayers onto your intercooler. Works better than nothing! Plus it is free.
I hear alot of good things about shooting nitrous to your intercooler, its hella expensive, but I hear about 50+ hp gains (with a huge boost set up like 15+ psi from a t3/t4 etc). Not bad for $450 intial cost. I am probably going to try it when I get my entire set up done.
Well thats only a 10% gain and its supposed to cool the air ALOT....its just what I have heard. Its worth a shot and worst case scenario I will be selling a zex kit for $75 less than I paid...
its a lot of fucking money to be filling n2o to keep an intercooler cool.
just get an efficient intercooler in the first place... like a pwr or sparco
You can also fill the tank with CO2 which is a hell of a lot cheaper than nitrous. There is also a new product called CryO2, cools the fuel incoming air or intercooler. Pretty sweet!Its made by DEI.
still, 500 for the kit... 20-50 a bottle fill... and if its hot, you'll be on the cooler all the time.
if you got an efiecient IC that cost a couple hundred more, you would have been ok from the start.
there are other ways to make power
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 20 2003, 01:21 AM
its a lot of fucking money to be filling n2o to keep an intercooler cool.
just get an efficient intercooler in the first place... like a pwr or sparco

spearco :D

and yeah i agree with pissedoffsol on this one... just save up a lil more and get a reliable and efficient intercooler in the first place rather than spending extra cash every two weeks to refill your bottle just to cool you interCOOLer
sorry i cant type

im pretty sure people know that seats dont make good cooling devices :)
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 20 2003, 05:42 AM
sorry i cant type

im pretty sure people know that seats dont make good cooling devices :)

lol, s'all good... im just bored out of my mind knit pickin at lil things and about to go to bed, sun hasn't risen in the west yet but i aint tryin to stare at it by myself :P
Well have a Spearco already so I am just trying to get as much out of the turbosetup with out turning up the boost. Thanks for any suggestions though.
I asked one of our suppliers about these setups. If I'm not mistaken one sprays co2 on the intercooler and the one with the big HP gain actually injects nitrous into the intercooler.
The nitrous kit shoots the no2 into the intercooler so yes it cools the air and it also is crammed into the engine so you see good effects from the cooler air and the no2 as well, I believe its a 35 shot. And I wouldnt be on the trigger all the time anyways, just at track and any race I thought I might lose. Anyways its a LONG way down the road for me, after I get everything else done and Im not even really started yet. So yea. I think its a good idea from what I've seen, which isnt much yet. Just giving my 2 cents.
Originally posted by mwasnp@Jan 20 2003, 10:12 PM
And I wouldnt be on the trigger all the time anyways, just at track

thats what your buddy/pit crew with a fire eqtinguisher is for.
Originally posted by mwasnp@Jan 20 2003, 08:12 PM
The nitrous kit shoots the no2 into the intercooler so yes it cools the air and it also is crammed into the engine so you see good effects from the cooler air and the no2 as well, I believe its a 35 shot.

Uhhh It sprays nitrous on the front of the intercooler not in it. No nitrous will reach the combustion chamber unless you have a separate system for that. It just cools the intercooler beyond what 100MPH air blowing over the intercooler. :owned: