need help LS in 95 ex coupe

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whats up !!! i have a 95 ex coupe that i purchased for my lil' brother, i went & got a 99 LS motor for the car , the car is automatic & i cant get the tranny to work does anybody have any ideas on what i should do , i have been told to change the motors wiring harness to a single overhead wiring harness so that it can change from 4 plugs to 3 plugs , i also been told to change the distributor & to cut the trannys wiring & run it to the computer . please help . thank's.
u have to get a distributer off a 94-95LS(not sure if 92-93 will work) use the single cams wiring harness. not sure about alternator, but it might work. do timing belt and water pump while engine is out of the car. dont know about the auto tranny. I wish i was ur brother. u bought him a car and a swap?
I would buy the jumper harness from Hasport and ask them about the tranny problems. You also need the axles and half shaft from the integra trans
