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  • take the challenege and get a better chas

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OK, so my crx is a rust bucket and im tired of looking at it. REALLY tired of it the body work needed to make it straight would be very expensive as ive got rust on the doors, front fenders, and rear pass fender and is battered with small dents.

now a friend of mine has a crx with absolutely straight body, no rust, paint is a tad faded. car has a a sohc vtec swap, CAI, tokico blues and eibach pro spring kit. 180k on chassis, 40k on motor. like i said NO rust, which is a rare find in a CRX, crx owners wil know what i mean. hes asking 3k, but said he can knock off a few hundred for me.

IF (big if) i got this, this would be my plan. swap everything from my crx into the new crx, and everything from the new crx to my crx. motor, suspension(lcas, front crossmember and ta's and all because i have poly bushings and a traction bar), and interior. and then sell the rust bucket with all the new crx's parts. then use that money to pay back the majority of the loan discussed below

now the problem, i dont exactly have the cash, but then theres the option of a loan. but that poses a problem in itself becasue ive never gotten a loan before, dont know how it works, and honestly really dont know how my credit is. i dont have any credit cards, soley in my name. the only one i have is my debit card, and then i have a credit card of my moms, although it does have my name on it. how hard would it be to get a 3k loan? time is also a bit of a problem. im currently at college, 250 miles away from anywhere that i could work on it. so that means id have to come back on the weekends to work on it and would be confined to working on it on the weekends.

now for the decision, what should i do?

deal with the rust bucket?
or take on the massive challenge of switching everything to a better chassis?
well thats where the option of the loan comes in but ive never gotten one before so i really dont know what im doing as far as a loan goes or even if id be able to get approved for a loan of 3k. just need some input based on all the points.
If you have no debt in your name and have a long solid work history at one place then your chances are pretty good on the loan. Just check out a local credit union first before you try the regular banks.

Oh and I voted on the challenge.... :thumbsup:
You've got it all figured out already. No question, you should swap chassis.

Go for it, its an awesome plan!
IMO, taking out a loan for a project is a horrible idea. if you don't have 3k lying around, there's another problem all together... and basically, that means you can't afford to do this.
^ don't listen to B, he's new here :p
Do it man, at least try to.
Then you can sell the rusty single cam CRX and make half+ your money back and pay a big chunk of the loan off :)