Network admin?

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Yes, I started out on a help desk while going through college. I already had 4 years experience after getting my BS in Computer Science, that helped a lot. Experience goes a long way.
Hmmm, looks like I need to get a help desk job =)
This is something that is interesting to me as well. I was going to school for accounting, but the thought of crunching numbers all day was mind numbing. What I get from this thread is that you really don't need experience to get a help desk job, but if you want to move up you'll need experience and connections. Is this correct?

My father is in the IT field and is making pretty good money. I'm sure if I talked to him I could get a job doing something IT related. I could also help him build and setup computers since he does that on the side. Are the certs listed in this thread what you would need to stand out, or are they essential to have to get a help desk job?

Thanks for making this thread kanned.
My old man is in the IT field, is on a couple of teams for the VA Medical Center. He makes a pretty good chuck of change he has no formal degree in computers let alone networking. Really it is all about getting your foot in the door. I am working on getting a job in the field and actually got a call from the prospctive employer. Granted it was not a job offer, but the man who did call happens to be a rather busy guy and that means quit a bit. Keep in mind I am still one quarter away from getting my AS plus another two years for my BS. If you are eager to learn and are willing to start from the bottom you will have a good shot at getting the job.

Why do you want to get into the networking field? Particularity the admin portion?