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Not a fan of Intel, their shit's too expensive. The rest of it looks decent though. If I were in graphics I think I'd spend a LITTLE more on a better card though.
Get the Intel
*rant* It wont burn out, it wont suck & everyone can stop peddling amd crap. We know you're a rebel - you drive a jap car, use obscure OS's, and hate mass marketed products. If you want to be different from everyone, why dont you be creative and make art/sing a song/something useful instead of just buying shit that no one else uses.
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Get the Intel
*rant* It wont burn out, it wont suck & everyone can stop peddling amd crap. We know you're a rebel - you drive a jap car, use obscure OS's, and hate mass marketed products. If you want to be different from everyone, why dont you be creative and make art/sing a song/something useful instead of just buying shit that no one else uses.

Was this directed at me? If so, fuck you buddy.

I've had a good number of intel AND amd based systems. They both performed well, none of them ever "burned out", and the AMD certainly wasn't crap. I do drive an import, there's nothing obscure about Windows XP Pro, and I don't really care how things are marketed. Shit that no one else uses? There are a lot of people using AMD processors.

Could it be, maybe, that they're just as good if not better than Intel's but not as expensive? :hmm:
My post is for anyone who wants it. You just got caught in the eye of the shiticane. Now, I dont want to ruin this thread too much so I'll be brief. When's the last time you heard someone on this board say Intel is a worthy product? Not too often. Most posts seem to start out: "Why M$oft suxors my box0rs". A lot of people come off as elitist when it comes to third party products discussion on the web. That goes for any avenue of industry. (honestly, I could eat children and no one would care much; so long as I had an Quad AMD, Dual Geforce, linux machine :hiding:)

Now I'll be constructive.
I would spend less on the PSU and case. Not sure that much power is required, and I dont need flashy cases. But these days PSU's are like a 10-20 difference and plain metal cases cost more than flashy ones :mad:

If you could spend over 2x the price of that vid card, it might be worth looking into an upgrade. But I dont see much of a change in performance/warranty until you're paying quite a bit. At that level it's up to your preference of manufacturer, I think with same GPU/ram most are the same price.
I personally like antec cases
amd chips are fine. they just run a little hotter than intels.
as long as you have a good cooling system, theres nothing to worry about.

my machine at home is an 1.8 gHz amd sempherion (sp?)


my work machine is a 2.8 gHz p4


my home machine smokes my work machine, not even when under full load (obviosuly i have more ram at home)


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WHY THE INTEL??? I'd much rather get a dual core opteron or X2 AMD. The AMD Opteron 165 is 1.8ghz with 1MB cache on each core and many people have got them up to 2.4ghz with just upping the mhz and no voltage adjustment. And that Intel board is WAY over priced. A really good AMD board starts about $130ish and the SLi's are around 150, if you care. Even if you don't overclock the AMD still dual cores out perform those Pentium Ds.

The PSU is junk. Especially for that price. Look for a native 24pin Forton/Sparkle, Tagan, Antec, Enermax, OCZ, or Seasonic. Many have gone with the Forton 520watt Blue storm for around 60 bucks and they say its very stable.

Any RAM is fine just dont get corsair if you decide on a DFI board.

Video card, eh? I guess it's decent enough because you'll benefit more from the 256mb of ram than a faster clock on the 6600GT if you web design or whatever grahpics you do.

Anyway good luck.
here are a few comparisons of the amd vs the intel dual cores.

other sites have pretty much the same results except toms hardware. toms hardware screw the results so the intel always out performs the amds because rumors are they are getting paid by intel.

anyway, just to let you im no fan boy. i just buy/recommend whats the best for the money. amd is just crushing intel right now in every segment except the mobile. the pentium m's are awesome and i think better than what amd has to offer. i dont know about the turions though.
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WHY THE INTEL??? I'd much rather get a dual core opteron or X2 AMD. The AMD Opteron 165 is 1.8ghz with 1MB cache on each core and many people have got them up to 2.4ghz with just upping the mhz and no voltage adjustment. And that Intel board is WAY over priced. A really good AMD board starts about $130ish and the SLi's are around 150, if you care. Even if you don't overclock the AMD still dual cores out perform those Pentium Ds.

The PSU is junk. Especially for that price. Look for a native 24pin Forton/Sparkle, Tagan, Antec, Enermax, OCZ, or Seasonic. Many have gone with the Forton 520watt Blue storm for around 60 bucks and they say its very stable.

Any RAM is fine just dont get corsair if you decide on a DFI board.

Video card, eh? I guess it's decent enough because you'll benefit more from the 256mb of ram than a faster clock on the 6600GT if you web design or whatever grahpics you do.

Anyway good luck.

Let me know a few ideas on a good AMD mother board and cpu's
well the dual opterons are getting gouged because everyone is trying to get their hands on it. about 300 but they want 350 now and most places are all sold out. the X2 3800+ is a good one too, but just a tad more than the opteron's, like 20? if it was me, id wait for the opteron's to come back in stock and go down in price again. but theres a catch, only a few vendors actually support the opterons.

luckily the good boards all support them. the msi neo platnium 4, asus a8n, and the dfi ultra are the best boards out there for the socket 939. all you need is a bios flash.
hmm.. okay well then how would this sound as an AMD set up

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ ClawHammer 1GHz FSB Socket 939 Processor

OCZ Value Series 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400

ENERMAX EG425P-VE SFMA 2.0 ATX12V 420W Power Supply

eVGA 128-P2-N368-TX Geforce 6600GT

BFG Tech nForce 4 Ultra Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4

Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 120GB
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Get the Intel
*rant* It wont burn out, it wont suck & everyone can stop peddling amd crap. We know you're a rebel - you drive a jap car, use obscure OS's, and hate mass marketed products. If you want to be different from everyone, why dont you be creative and make art/sing a song/something useful instead of just buying shit that no one else uses.
Don't be butthurt because AMD makes a better, more reliabe CPU than Intel. And my Jap car was made in Ohio.
the clawhammer is old. get a san diego over that. but how come not a dual core anymore? i think a dual core would be better over a single core if you multitask and multimedia. isnt photoshop multi threaded?
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My post is for anyone who wants it. You just got caught in the eye of the shiticane. Now, I dont want to ruin this thread too much so I'll be brief. When's the last time you heard someone on this board say Intel is a worthy product? Not too often. Most posts seem to start out: "Why M$oft suxors my box0rs". A lot of people come off as elitist when it comes to third party products discussion on the web. That goes for any avenue of industry. (honestly, I could eat children and no one would care much; so long as I had an Quad AMD, Dual Geforce, linux machine :hiding:)

Now I'll be constructive.
I would spend less on the PSU and case. Not sure that much power is required, and I dont need flashy cases. But these days PSU's are like a 10-20 difference and plain metal cases cost more than flashy ones :mad:

If you could spend over 2x the price of that vid card, it might be worth looking into an upgrade. But I dont see much of a change in performance/warranty until you're paying quite a bit. At that level it's up to your preference of manufacturer, I think with same GPU/ram most are the same price.

Okay, I take the hit from all directions on this one, AMD... Linux... MP systems even :laugh:

AMD is on top. Sorry, but when you look at their chips versus Intel, there is no reason to buy the Intel processor. First off, their chips are much more efficient, they're solved (most of) their heat issues, and they've got the 64 bit game in the bag without even trying. Intel reverse engineered a good amount of AMD's x86-64 instruction set/architecture in order to make the IA-64 architecture. That says something.

Intel sat on their laurels for a bit way too long. Now it's coming back to bite them in the ass.
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I would spend less on the PSU and case. Not sure that much power is required, and I dont need flashy cases. But these days PSU's are like a 10-20 difference and plain metal cases cost more than flashy ones :mad:

Do not listen to the boy. If you are going to run an Intel Dual Core, you will NEED a new PSU. I have been using intel forever, but i still have one computer with an Athlon 64 3000+. Its good where i need it to be, thats as much as i can say.

Back to the point. Get an Antec TruPower PSU if you are going to run a dual core intel. If you dont, i would be willing to bet you will hear a loud pop (fuse) and smell smoke within a week.
Like I said, I didn't *think* that much power is required. But I guess the cpu market is driven by more speed, more power minded users. Hopefully they realize that should stay at the forefront and not be adopted into all of their products.

And its not that I dont like jap cars, hopefully you would have thought about what i was getting at. Come on, this is a foreign car modification board (and a good one at that), you're not exactly following the mainstream.
alright, My set up is all hooked up.. where can I learn more about over clocking?
its pretty straight forward...but i would have ram that is matched for a higher FSB than what you have now.

Meaning use PC3500 RAM if you have a newer P4. They have a FSB of 200MHz which translates into 400MHz for the Ram (double data rate).

So lets say you want to make your P4 3.2GHz run at a clock speed of...3.5GHz. You would want to increase your FSB to 219MHz (because the 3.2GHz chip has a 16 multiplyer on the core) and then run some high end PC3500 or PC3700 RAM that can handle that speed. You also need to make sure that your northbridge can handle that kind of FSB speed. a SIS 648 MOBO is a BAD choice for over clocking. However (and this comment will show how long its been since ive done this) a board with a I875 northbridge KICKS ASS for over clocking.

Thats the down and the dirty of it. There you can also play with the multiplyer (usually on AMD chips only) to keep your core processor speed at the same level (heat and stress reduction) but upping the processing time by just increasing memory response through the FSB.
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