new dc4 build... first one documented

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I still can't see 'em. Must be Anti Virus or a browser setting is running amuck. Phuking Computers! We never had these types of problems back in the day using Slide Rulers..... ;) I should have kept mine for a relic.
woohoo!!! going on a 600 mile round trip from chicago to cincinati, and back to chicago for a jdm type r trans!!! finally going to be able to make this auto tragic transmission dissappear forever!!!! wish me luck! pics upon my return.
Hopefully it's in great shape. Is that the plan, to do the transplant with what you get? Or are you going to have it gone through first?

I just read through the War Wounds IM exchange we had some time ago about your broken wrists - fuckin cringed.
im going to go thru it first.. have a fresh stick of hondabond ready... i've rebuilt quite a few of them over the years... a few b and d series transmissions... i have a spare gearset from a type r i was in the process of doing that got accidently scrapped at an NTB i used to work at... along with a fully rebuilt lsd gsr trans that was right next to it... fuck you corporate assholes from NTB... when asked why he scrapped them.. he simply answered, "this is a shop, not a storage facility".... i threatedned to sue, backed by my manager (that was secretly on his way out to a better shop) and i was rewarded $1200.00.... and it all went to the guy i was rebuilding the trans for....
still not even to cover the one transmission... let alone two... and to mr. dual 500... i will be careful this time... got two little one depending on me... and not to mention the wife... boy, would she be pissed!!!
Careful this time? Whaddya mean? Driving it or rebuilding it? Both? Rebuilding tranny's isn't that bad, and if you've done a couple successfully, no problem then.

I split the cases on many motorcycle tranny's and did a Borg Warner 3 speed years ago. Nowadays, I get the tranny work done by a nearby shop. I do the engine assembly work, just lazy about the trannies I guess. :)

EDIT: Oh, I see - careful with the wrists and such. Good deal there me younger bro. Be very careful sir. Them youngins need a good daddy for the duration. Yeah, I read through that episode in the PM's the other night and cringed.
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this is part of the turd integra i had to take my trans out of...
took it out in about 45 minutes...then hauled ass back to chicago... 300 miles back... and i did this on my wife's day off... she wasnt pleased when i showed up almost 7 hours later than i had promised...
just went through the whole thread, and may i express my sorrow in regards to your loss... i missed this thread i guess, first time seeing it haha

its funny i only just now saw this, because today my daughter is 9 months old (born sept 24 2011), and she looks just like your daughter. I havent seen her in over 2 months now, so it was kinda shocking so see a kid who looks so much like my daughter. my ex/bm is a total ass and will not let me see my kid. its shitty as hell but whataya gonna do?

anyways, good luck with your type r tranny! im in for the read now man!
dude... sorry to hear about your situation!!! hope it gets better, and soon!!! man, i miss my little girl when she sleeps over my parents or inlaws... i cannot imagine your pain, but hang in there dude!
Honestly it still sucks ass, and sadly im just about numb to it. Only because there;s really nothing I can do about it right now... So, anyways end threadjack
Droped the autragic slushbox, installed a new rear main seal (right mr dual 500?) popped in the new bearing along with my new flywheel/clutch combo, swapped out the rear t bracket (for the manual one) and i stalled the motor mount inserts while i had everything out. Popped the manual box in it... Now have to figure out the top trans mount (not lining up right)


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