"now make a post and say hi"

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Nice to meet you all.. lol Sean, Danny, Scott, I really gotta get my friends to message here.. they arent into "web forums" or cars.. they like.. umm..... hair styles and... make up and stuff.. lol

maybe we should start a forum for your friends to post their "make up nights" and "pillow fights"
lol you guys are killin me, maybe its cuz im high right now that i find it so amusing. watch out fellas, i dont think she can drink legally.
Wrap it up guys.


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:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Oh, and the link she posted, then de-posted ---->YOU CAN'T ESCAPE NOW.. MUHAHAHAHA

I cant believe u did that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't.. someone stole my password and posted that. Honest. :ph34r:

Right and Im a guy........... (dont u dare comment on that)

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Nice to meet you all.. lol Sean, Danny, Scott, I really gotta get my friends to message here.. they arent into "web forums" or cars.. they like.. umm..... hair styles and... make up and stuff.. lol

maybe we should start a forum for your friends to post their "make up nights" and "pillow fights"

Maybe we should.. lol

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lol you guys are killin me, maybe its cuz im high right now that i find it so amusing. watch out fellas, i dont think she can drink legally.

You can drink legally when you turn 19 in Ontario
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Wrap it up guys.

^^ bahaha. you silly,..... But yeah....

Ohh and did i mention Im a P.rican guy WHO lives in BUFFALO NY..14207 white and green house..lol...

damn B..You lucky guy you....damn you.... :guns:

But yeah,,hey there,....You're cute.... :wink:
the names brett.. I'm from missouri..
i don't post here that often, just read mostly everything...

dena, you're pretty hot :wink:
Every fucking thread on this board is 9384573948573 pages long just because a girl posts. God-fucking-damnit!
Oh, and the link she posted, then de-posted ---->YOU CAN'T ESCAPE NOW.. MUHAHAHAHA

thats classic right there, complete with the .wmv link

i thought i missed it fo sho...

but yea, you do look pretty good, suprisingly so for a honda site

so what do you drive? or did i miss that?
and we should def have a pillow fight section...