Official what XBOX360 games you play, lets get down sucka!

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Wooooo! I want to get my ass handed to me in COD5. Add me! MasterOfTheYeti is my Gamer Tag. I SUCK! haha
Which version of Call of Duty do you have, Clint? I have COD5, Halo3, Lego's Star Wars (this damn game rocks...haha) and some others.
You know, I used to be until I played COD5. My ass gets owned on that game all of the time but I still love it. haha I haven't had the chance to play Halo3 online against anyone so if you ever see me on and I'm playing COD5, send me an invite to your Halo game and I'll switch. Halo 2 OWNED when I used to play it on my laptop.
4 player online co-op

I've had this game on pre-order since the first of September.
Left 4 Dead is simply amazing. haven't found a flaw yet.

A versus mode that you can play as the infected and attack other players that are playing as survivors.
You can play single player campaign or you can play up to 4 player campaign.
There are 5 different campaigns to choose from too.
Its a easy 10/10.
I did enjoy the Left 4 Dead demo... my buddy kept setting off the car alarm and the hordes just kept coming... it was insane.
new Xbox experience is here now.. different, gonna take some getting used to... kinda like H-T on vBulletin
I forgot about that, I havent turned my xbox on for like a week lol
took about 25 minutes to update.. i'm sure everyone speed varies .. made my character, probably change it up though
You can now install games onto your xbox. Not sure if you can just rent a game and install it then take it back and play it forever though.