Official what XBOX360 games you play, lets get down sucka!

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too real.
i can drive like that in real life, i play video games to escape reality.
thats why i dont play very many shooters, like cod4, i can do that in real life.
too real.
i can drive like that in real life, i play video games to escape reality.
thats why i dont play very many shooters, like cod4, i can do that in real life.

You might can drive like that in real life, but you'll never get a chance to drive half of the cars in that game in real life.
and you will?
its a video game, that doesnt count as real driving..
so you just felt like pointing out that neither of us will get to drive those cars? lol

p.s. i never said i would either..
who really gives a fuck?? i dont.. this thread isnt for argueing
anyone down for some Halo3?? hit me up.. i think i'll be on in a little bit
yea.. i'm gonna grab some frosty beverages and probably get on when i get back.. lol.. gonna be a long night
I found out what the new halo 3 update for campaign is going to be.

Its squad based so you can play with friends and form squads and play through a different campaign. You don't just play as master chief
I'm playing Halo 3 if anyone wants to join me. Customs, Matchmaking,

If you haven't already, send me a friend request and lets play i Chaz i