peta video.

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Originally posted by h22bubbleback@Dec 11 2003, 03:17 PM
yea that sucks for animals...but people out there in certain countrys have it worse..and no one gives a fuck about them


the video was disturbing, but believe me; in MT, cattle are not treated like that at all (except veal). they're all on open ranges. my family has a lot of land that we lease out for cattle. they have it pretty good if you ask me.

with the chickens, that's just wrong. i was eating chicken while i watched teh vid and then threw it away. i don't think peta's gross out antics will ever make me a vegetarian, tho. i can't live off of letuce.
Originally posted by MaaseyRacer+Dec 11 2003, 08:20 PM-->
@Dec 11 2003, 02:28 PM
I think vegetarians are fucking stupid.

I think you are fucking stupid, I have not problem with other people eating meat. I chose my own reasons for not eating it and it has nothing to do until recently with animal crulity. People can make what ever statments they want, and it is stupid to attempt to insult someone over the fact that they dislike eating meat. The people at PETA are different from most vegitarians, they are super pushy and make it very public to persuade people to join them. Not all vegiterians are like that most of us or at least the ones I know are in it for a "healthier" lifestyle, or in my case medical reasons. Until I did a research project for a class last semester I thought the people at PETA were just kind of crazy, and were shuting down the places that were doing this, I now feel that they are doing an appropriate job. However they means of conveance are not the best. Also PETA is not trying to make everyone vegiterian, they are trying to make a protest against the crulity that goes on in slaughter houses, hen houses, and whatever other animal holding facilities are in this country.

cry me a river...go eat a cheeseburger puss nuts
its legally and most important MORALLY right to kill chain
everything must eat everything
being Vegetarian isn't living off of lettuce. It's really cool.

Ever work as a dishwasher ? Compare the meat pans to the veggie pans. You'll see what I mean about gore.

Being a Vegetarian, to clear it up, means:

Cutting your grocery bill by more than half.
Never spending more than 10 minutes cooking a bg meal.
Rarely farting, belching or getting the hiccups. Yes, Soda and beer.. but after a while your intestines calm down greatly.
Healthy shits. No more diarreah.
Better teeth.
More waking hours, and more spent actually doing things.
Less headaches, better vision
Believe it or not, your joints won't cramp up anymore. Yeah, you're consuming gelatin, but not human gelatin. You're consuming cow gelatin. Stop it. You're not a cow. With a proper diet, your body makes it's own internal substances.
No gut. Ever see a fat vegetarian?

The list goes on.. So without even considering PETAs feelings, the last thoughts of a cow, or how poorly a pig is treated you can benefit so much by at least cutting way down on the meat.

And people say smoking is bad. And hard to quit.

-> Steve
this video makes me hungry... SO HUNGRY

AND the thing about the dairy farms are bullshit. I worked on a dairy farm and those cows were treated damn good.
haha so many of you guys are missing the point. The problem with all of this isnt that they are being killed for their meat, it is the inhumane conditions they are forced into before they are slaughtered, as well as the cruel slaughtering process. I am a meat eater, and would hard pressed to live any other way, but that doesnt mean i think we should torture these poor animals before we kill them so they can become food. If you watched the video you would have seen the deplorable conditions the animals were in, a far cry from how any real farmer would ever treat their livestock. Real farmers dont have to de-beak their chickens because they are actually given living space, unlike the ones at factory farms. I mean did you guys see the way they were handeling those animals? beating them with weapons, torturing them with prods? Would anyone be ok with it if that was being done to their own dog? Id like to see these "farms" held to the same animal cruelty standards that the rest of the public is, but i guess that because they have enough money to line the pockets certain conservative politicians its not going to be a reality. :shrug2:
Originally posted by Guy@Dec 12 2003, 03:06 AM
I mean did you guys see the way they were handeling those animals? beating them with weapons, torturing them with prods?

hmmm sounds kinda like those third world countries where dictators control everything. But who cares we gotta save the animals first!!!
i dont give a fuck if the the cow is chased through a maze of cow carcasses by maniac butchers armed with tazers and un-muffled chainsaws (louder = more scarry) untill it gets tired and collapses then the butchers proceed to show it film of its relatives being slaughtered and tazer the fuck out of it if it tries to look away from the screen... all the while screaming derogatory things at the cow to hurt its feelings, and exposing it to second hand ciggarette smoke... untill the cow breaks down and starts crying... then they proceed to kill the cow and make my fuckin steaks out of it.... i dont fucking care.... i dont know how else to explain this
Originally posted by Prowler@Dec 12 2003, 02:13 AM
with the chickens, that's just wrong. i was eating chicken while i watched teh vid and then threw it away. i don't think peta's gross out antics will ever make me a vegetarian, tho. i can't live off of letuce.

you know how many somalians would kill for that?

the video was pretty disturbing, and i would say they do need to change the way they treat animals. but i still get hungry, and chicken tastes good.
Originally posted by SolPWR+Dec 12 2003, 03:15 AM-->
@Dec 12 2003, 03:06 AM
I mean did you guys see the way they were handeling those animals? beating them with weapons, torturing them with prods?

hmmm sounds kinda like those third world countries where dictators control everything. But who cares we gotta save the animals first!!!

what does the treatment of people in dictatorships have to do with the deplorable meat industry that we are supporting? The point that you are trying to make (an admirable one i'll add) is invalidated because the suffering of people in third world countries is irrelevant when it comes to the issue of animal cruelty. Not that i feel it is any less important, but there are other organizations for issues like that. Not only that but we cannot fix those sort of problems simply by refraining to support an industry.

The unfortunate thing E_SolSi is that your attitude of "by whatever means you see fit as long as i can be cheap and lazy" is really becomming an epidemic in our counrty. Only caring about an end and not the means of getting it really allows for things like unsustanable farming practices, destruction of wildlife land for human habitation and rescource gathering, and general lack of concern on the part of business for anything other than short sighted profit. Maybe your attempt at apathy was a way of showing how cool of a guy you are, but i really hope that you are capable of thinking critically about things like this.
People of cruel societies have opposable thumbs, the ability to make weapons, and rise up against their tyrants. The revolutionary war, among others, proves that it can be done, and it is done routinely. More recent we had East Timor - The local people rose up against UN Forces, and WON. Talk about a weak-sided victory.

The "We should help the human condition as well, or better, than we fight the animal condition" raises two points, both stated in an anti-liberal voice:

Liberals are the ones that say things like this. We, as a country, ARE freeing oppressed people. We have done so in Afghanistan and are doing so in Iraq. Next, through bloodless attempts, we hope to see the same from Iran and Syria. Whenever the people cried for democracy, the US was first on land to ensure their pleas were heard - In the Phillippines, Germany, Italy, South Africa (Still being waged, bloodless) Numerous African countries, and in the Middle East - Offering support to Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Albania and Macedonia.

Look through history, we are the ONLY ones doing this.

Then they immediately want to turn attention to livestock conditions. Fortunately, the US Military can't (Well... Shouldn't..) turn it's weapons on US Citizens and Civilians. (Unlike Waco, Ruby Ridge, and stand offs with the Funicellos of Wyoming). So, they must try to convince farmers to not farm this way. But the farmer, through greed or need, Asks for money to replace the lost profits of any kind of PETA act. The result: More Farm subsidy money that always gets shot down by.. You guessed it.. the Democrats in Congress.

A Stalemate is reached, and things go on without effect.

The best way you can do this is to stop buying from huge markets. It's the huge markets that support this kind of slaughter. Smaller delis and meat markets buy locally, and you can be ensured that the meat you eat is coming from the farms you can see and tour.

If you want to stop the cruel conditions, Place your support in non-cruel people. That is always the answer.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Dec 11 2003, 10:15 AM

As far as chickens - What is in that video is the GOOD stuff. A disgusting chicken farm is about 100 times worse than this video. Most of our chicken in the US comes from farms that make that video one look reasonable. Chicken in these farms is so genetically altered that they don't even really look like chickens. They are born lacking feathers, and sometimes eyes / feet / and wings. They flop around in tanks and pick up bits of food grain that happen to make it to their mouth. They are alive for 3 weeks, if that. Dead ones go to slaughter all the time, nothing is discarded.

-> Steve

I beg to differ man. My Brother in laws parents own 3 chicken coops. That are similar to the same size in the video (hard to tell, but they are hella huge) They recieve a load of baby chickens that are new born and then they care for the chickens for a semi-short period of time (maybe like 3-4 months) then the baby chickens are taken somewhere. I think they go to a slaughter house where they are raised the rest of the way and then killed. I have never really asked hardcore about that whole scene but I been there when they recieved the chickens and getting ready to take them away.

But the chickens look just like normal baby birds when they get them. There are retarded ones and one with broken legs or so and they are killed (hit with a pole, or whatever) The coop is crowded but they have more then enough room to walk about. But they have large rails that extend down the coop where the birds get food, they shit and die where ever. But besides the smell and occasional throwing chicken against a wall it is not cruel or dirty.