police found my car

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90 accord

Chicks dig the box
well they found it today, so far the total dmage was:

corner lights
passenger side windshield wiper *wtf?*
ignition switch
picture of my girl

they wouldn't let me look inside, or even touch the body because they needed to check for fingerprints..

hopefully i'll get it back on monday-ish <_<
congrats man. sucks that it got damaged. besides the window that doesn't sound too expensive.
yeah I had my car stolen, woke up one morning to leave and it wasn't outside, thought someone had played a joke but when I talked to everyone they didnt know anything. I hate the butterfly stomach feeling. Point being was I still haven't got my car back yet and its been like 5 years. :( moved on though..... Be happy you got it back!
that sucks, your ins wont pay off the total loss now. guess you're stuck with the fucker.
the thing is man, check the engine. some asshole stole my sisters 89 Civic CX, and the interior was PERFECt cept for a few stolen CD's. then she drove it home and the engine was so roasted it made it about 20 km's then seized. musta drove it at fuel cut off the whole time. make sure the engine is mint before u get ur hopes up. Hope it good tho, good luck bro
Originally posted by djextremity@Sep 7 2003, 04:05 AM
that sucks, your ins wont pay off the total loss now. guess you're stuck with the fucker.

:werd: :withstupid:

That sucks man.

So much for the GSR.
Originally posted by 90 accord@Sep 6 2003, 09:10 PM
they wouldn't let me look inside, or even touch the body because they needed to check for fingerprints..

wish they would have checked for fingerprints on my car, they cops didn't even give a shit.
at least you have a car again.
Originally posted by SleEPeR_CRX@Sep 7 2003, 12:13 AM
the thing is man, check the engine. some asshole stole my sisters 89 Civic CX, and the interior was PERFECt cept for a few stolen CD's. then she drove it home and the engine was so roasted it made it about 20 km's then seized. musta drove it at fuel cut off the whole time. make sure the engine is mint before u get ur hopes up. Hope it good tho, good luck bro

word, something similar happened to my ex, she drove the car back, and just as she turned onto her street, the engine seized. There was no oil in the motor, and when we looked at it, it looked fine. Do some checking before you take it out of the lot.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Sep 7 2003, 12:28 AM
thats it?

why the fuck did they even bother?

thats what i said..

i can't drive it off the lot because the ignition is all fucked, and i don't know how to hot wire a car, and dont try to explain it, cause i won't understand it and its kinda not something you should know how to do ;)
If you don't know how to start a car without an ignition you shouldn't be driving.

Let's just say it takes a very easy tool to use, and its long, and yeah has a flat end and a handle.
Originally posted by Slammed89Integra@Sep 8 2003, 12:58 AM
If you don't know how to start a car without an ignition you shouldn't be driving.

Let's just say it takes a very easy tool to use, and its long, and yeah has a flat end and a handle.

Are you talking about my Integra key??? :lol:
90Accord - I'm sure they just poped out the ignition tumbler. All you have to do is stick a screwdriver in the ignition hole and turn. I do it every day. <_<
Originally posted by sohcslammer+Sep 8 2003, 01:49 PM-->
@Sep 8 2003, 12:58 AM
If you don't know how to start a car without an ignition you shouldn't be driving.

Let's just say it takes a very easy tool to use, and its long, and yeah has a flat end and a handle.

Are you talking about my Integra key??? :lol:
90Accord - I'm sure they just poped out the ignition tumbler. All you have to do is stick a screwdriver in the ignition hole and turn. I do it every day. <_<

they broke the whole thing off, its sitting on the floor of my car.
sohcslammer-That's ghetto! Replace the ignition!

Yes screwdriver's work great. All those years of watching A-team and one of my friends showed me that one day.
It takes like 8 seconds.
Once the police release the car from the impound have it towed to a Honda dealer or other qualified mechanic (no shadetree mechanic - we don't care what your friend that is ASE certified says). Have them pull the oil pan & then the head if the oil looks suspiscious. If everything looks good, you're only out the cost to have it done but at least you know they didn't F*** the engine. The insurance company should pay for the tow since the ignition needs to be replaced.

However, if the engine is screwed (and is normally is) the insurance company will pay for the tow & the tear down & proceed w/ the total loss.

Lemme know if you need any insurance related tips.