PROBLEMS tranny??

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Okay i have a 95 b18c1 in my 93 hatch. i have had the swap installed for probably about a half of a year now. a few days ago when i shifted normally into third geari felt like a clicking than it went into gear. its almost like its going to grind but i can still put it in third. if i easy third gear in, it wont do the clicking thing but if shift normally (at regular speed) it grinds and when shifting hard it also does the clicking/grinding. what could the problem be? is this fixable or is my tranny going bad?
put the car up on a lift, or on stands, and have a friend shift in and out of third while you look directly underneath the shifter. you'll see a "bracket" that holds part of the shift linkage away from the body in a rubber grommet-type-thing. my shift linkage (integra B18B1 in a 95 civic coupe DX) was hitting the lower-most bracket when shifting to fifth.... just barely, but enough to have the same symptoms as your third gear prob.


loosen the 12-mm bolts on both sides most of the way, and put a leftover bolt between the rubber thing and the body, then re-tighten the bolts (careful not to over-torque, as there are cheao metal sleeves around the 12-mm bolts that will bend). When finished, this is both a fix and a cheap shift stabilizer :-) this saved me perhaps hundreds at a shop for a custom linkage.

okay i took it to my local shop and my friend said that it is the syncro's between 2nd and 3rd. they are worn out and that my third gear will probably need tot be replaced because of the grinding that is occuring.
In most Hondas the syncros go out in third first. I don't know why but it just does. They hit third then fourth. Usually this means a new new or rebuilt tranny is now requires. Some say that short shifters are the cause some they it's bad shifting habits. Whatever the problem get ti fixed as soon as you can.