Questioning life

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For a bike I wouldn't go crazy. But don't buy a pos full suspension from Walmart. They are heavy and you will waste energy trying to pedal.

A couple of years ago I got this bike,it was alittle cheaper though. Its actually decently fast on the road and does ok on light trails. I leave it at the beach cottage.

No sh** have the same bike in my shop, I use it to cruise down to town instead of using our 6.8L V10 3 valve... damn thing gets only 220miles on a full tank lol

Its good your deleted them texts man, they can plague you, its a step forward. I haven't a clue were ya live but end of july im driving down to SC on a road trip helping one of my bosses move.... joys 10mpg here I come
Yeah the full suspension bikes from Walmart squat too much if nothing else. I'm excited about this Trek...there's a lot of good places to ride where I live.
I haven't a clue were ya live but end of july im driving down to SC on a road trip helping one of my bosses move.... joys 10mpg here I come

I'm in east tn, super close to va & can be in ky or nc in under an hour.

Hope you're getting paid well to do that!
I'm in east tn, super close to va & can be in ky or nc in under an hour.

Hope you're getting paid well to do that!

Paid very well, even has his rather attractive daughter as company along the way. but yea if ya see a VT truck with a horse trailer with 2 idiots singing thats me having a good old road trip while I see how many MPG's I can get seeing how the truck rarely is over 25mpg though I may use my 1500 Siverado as I like the seats better
Road trips are the best. Taking one fown to the Dragon Sunday...very popular curvy road. Have fun
I would love to drive the Dragon some day at least once in my life. I've heard it's super busy pretty much all the time. I would love to get the opportunity to drive it uninhibited some day ;)
I would love to drive the Dragon some day at least once in my life. I've heard it's super busy pretty much all the time. I would love to get the opportunity to drive it uninhibited some day ;)

Early in the morning or late at night is the time to go...the fast locals hit it up at night allll the time. Most of them have big LED bars on the front of their cars lol.
The hard rock is a tried and true bike. I had one when I was a kid/teenager. First mountain bike. It was awesome and lasted forever.
Road trips are the best. Taking one fown to the Dragon Sunday...very popular curvy road. Have fun

Oh yes they are the best.... Thought planning and helping pack the trailer so I don't have weight shift is a PITA... also found out I have a Sportsmen 550CC 4 wheeler to load in the bed.... shit 10mpg it is
Ride some legit trail riding and you'll have no option but to focus 100% on riding. I find when riding road my mind just drifts into all kinds of thoughts. Work, home life, what's for dinner. When I'm at a place like patapsco my mind is on what my next line is going to be so I make it up the next hill. Chit isn't easy and takes a lot of focus.


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nice bike man.
you have a computer or display on the trek?
i use runkeeper on my smart phone to track miles and times. if you sign up for an account with your e-mail you can view your activities on their website.
keeps track of all your stats and gives you achievements and new records.
kind of cheesy but anything that keeps you motivated is a big plus in my book.
Wow that's an old picture looking at it. Still had reflectors from when I was still riding the streets from time to time. Bikes a bit different now.

I have a cateye computer on it. I'm only worried about avg speed and distance. I could care less about the other details. If riding places like patasco, 10-12 miles is like riding 20 at another trail is like riding 40 on the street. How few breaks and avg speed is what makes the rides for me.
I was actually wondering if you were ok... been a few days since you posted last.

Glad to see things are starting to look up for you, at least in terms of keeping yourself out of the dumps.

it's tough.. trust me, i know. i'm in them a bit myself right now.
I will say, lexapro has done wonders for me recently. It also has the added benefit of being able to just fuck for days. I know some people don't like meds, but it's been nice for me.
not here to preach about meds etc, but i'd highly recommend that you focus on exercise and healthy activities before considering taking a pill.
antidepressants/SSRI's are just as addictive as heroin or crack, if not more so, because you will actually believe you need them to keep you alive.
put me in the been there/done that category.
My new approach is to do activities to boost your body's natural anti depressants and its been working out really well for me.
Healthier, more self esteem, more self confidence and a healthy outlet to let off steam.
nice bike man.
you have a computer or display on the trek?
i use runkeeper on my smart phone to track miles and times. if you sign up for an account with your e-mail you can view your activities on their website.
keeps track of all your stats and gives you achievements and new records.
kind of cheesy but anything that keeps you motivated is a big plus in my book.
I use MapMyRide, pretty cool as well.
nice bike man.
you have a computer or display on the trek?
i use runkeeper on my smart phone to track miles and times. if you sign up for an account with your e-mail you can view your activities on their website.
keeps track of all your stats and gives you achievements and new records.
kind of cheesy but anything that keeps you motivated is a big plus in my book.

No display yet, spent enough yesterday on the bike, seat & underseat bag...I'll get the speedo in a few weeks..wireless is $50 at my bike shop. My friend I went with had one yesterday. I just downloaded runkeeper on my return trip and it was 3.84 miles, so I've done over 8 today. Feels good.

Ride some legit trail riding and you'll have no option but to focus 100% on riding. I find when riding road my mind just drifts into all kinds of thoughts. Work, home life, what's for dinner. When I'm at a place like patapsco my mind is on what my next line is going to be so I make it up the next hill. Chit isn't easy and takes a lot of focus.

my friend I went with yesterday took me on a mild trail, really struggled in some tight uphill switchbacks, I've never even rode a bike with suspension before and it definitely feels a little different, but I like it.
I will say, lexapro has done wonders for me recently. It also has the added benefit of being able to just fuck for days. I know some people don't like meds, but it's been nice for me.

Meds have been on my mind, my ex took them, and the only thing that bothered me
was when she ran out...she was basically a zombie. I'm not good at remembering to take my bp pill, and I really don't want to have to rely on pills to get me through this. If it comes down to it, oh well, but it'll take a lot for me to start taking something every day.

I was actually wondering if you were ok... been a few days since you posted last.

Glad to see things are starting to look up for you, at least in terms of keeping yourself out of the dumps.

it's tough.. trust me, i know. i'm in them a bit myself right now.

Trying man...I swear its worse at work now, the depression. Seems like thats where it all started and it really gets on my mind sometimes and heavily affects my job performance. I've mentioned it to a few guys and they say just to basically brush it off, but its not that easy for me (maybe it should be, idk).

I hope you can pull yourself out of the slump, this biking really makes me feel good. I thought earlier that it would be cool if my ex saw me going down the road on the bike, for whatever reason. We don't live that far apart, so its possible
yeah, me and my girl split up recently,and it kinda caught me off guard... she just got all confused about life and has no idea what she wants.. got scared probably that we were getting pretty serious (the M word was tossed around a few times...). I was also her longest relationship ever. Most guys just give up on her pretty easily because she's 'difficult' a lot of the time. I saw the good in her, and put up with a lot of the BS as a result... I dont know what's going through her mind, but in an instant she basically shut down.... so she got rid of everything good in her life while she tries to find her self. Nothing even that I did, according to her :shrug2: So, i'm dragging in limbo mode not really knowing wtf to do, to give up, move on, or wait for her to come to her senses....
And let me tell you, Limbo mode is FAR fucking worse than any finality (relationship done). lol At least you KNOW its done. I wish i knew.....

I've just been listening to a lot of music, playing guitar for a lot of hours at night in my room, and doing some journal'ing for no reason other than to blow time. I'm working out more too. Did a bit of jogging a couple times this week, and I remember now why I hate jogging... the ol' knees are killing me. I can actually do 3 pull ups for the first time in my life now. Every time i try i get a little bit further in that last failed attempt as I get lighter and stronger.

I've only got 4 lbs and change left to go to my 199 goal though. 204.2 this morning.

You want her to see you having fun without her to make her jealous.... which is not a good thing. It means you have anger towards her in some way and want to show off or whatever. I know that feeling too. The desire is to make her think about what she could have but doesn't. Fact is, she doesn't give a flying fuck about you or what you do any more. It's why she broke up with you/you guys aren't together in the first place.
All you want to do is rub it in her face--- LOOK AT ME NOW
and somehow you think that will make you feel better about yourself.
But, you won't.
It won't change anything.
And you'll feel like a dick about it later....

Acceptance sucks.

But it's part of the Relationship Life Cycle (tm)

And as i write all this, and know all this, I still lose my mind and fail to think rationally all the time (just ask Jeffie... he's been on the other end of it a few times. lol)

It's not easy.
But nothing worth it ever is.

You WON'T come out of this weaker.

Keep your head up.
Stay off the pills. They will simply create more problems in your life... they don't fix anything. They cover it and you never get to deal with it and put it out of your mind. And that's before it destroys your liver or kidneys.

I find when I run or lift my mind wonders like crazy. I end up kinda like make a rythym up with my breathing and just like go with a beat and it keeps the mind busy. Talk to yourself at work. like "package ... 2... 3... 4" "stack it .. 8 ... 9" in a beat or something stupid. before you know it, you'll realize its been like an hour of forgetting about everything else.

If I were you, I would do all I could to focus my energy and efforts to get off the BP pills. I was there at one point a few years back too.. doc wanted my to go on Statins. It was a wake up call for me. I've lost 80 lbs since and i no longer have a need for any pills that I never took.

Improve yourself. You'll be better for it, and it will make meeting higher quality girls easier down the road. One that doesn't have 4 kids that you don't want....