Rant of the day

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
I fucking hate, HATE when people chew food while on the phone. is this call sooooo fucking important that you can't wait to finish chewing that cheeseburger and swallow before you dial the number? finish your food you fucking fatass. i don't want to hear your chomping saliva in my ear. i spend a lot of time on the phone. you are supposed to be talking, not eating. i don't care if you haven't eaten for a month and just got the best filet mignon steak of your life. wait the 30 seconds to call me. i hope you choke on your chips when you try to talk with your mouthful.

Rofl, I just did this yesterday to get off the phone with an ex crying about her current boyfriend. I jammed about half of a piece of pizza into my mouth and mumbled "Food just got here, I have to go. I'll call you back later.". I'm sure she was just as annoyed.

Other than that, yeah it's fucking annoying as hell.
I fucking hate, HATE when people chew food while on the phone. is this call sooooo fucking important that you can't wait to finish chewing that cheeseburger and swallow before you dial the number? finish your food you fucking fatass. i don't want to hear your chomping saliva in my ear. i spend a lot of time on the phone. you are supposed to be talking, not eating. i don't care if you haven't eaten for a month and just got the best filet mignon steak of your life. wait the 30 seconds to call me. i hope you choke on your chips when you try to talk with your mouthful.


i use to deal with that all the fucking time when i did call center tech support
use to piss me the fuck off
i work with this dood that i cant stand to be around when he eats. hes a nice dood but has no table manners. he will shove food in his mouth and then start talking to us while hes chewing it up. when does this, food also flies out his mouth. UGGGGGGG its disgusting as hell!! i try not to sit across or near him during lunch at work.
I work at a golf course and answer the phones and make tee times. I hate it when people call, and I can't understand what the fuck they are saying.

Oh and yes it also pisses me off when people talk on the phone with food in their mouth.
well that answers this question...
yes, it was directed at you for that exact reason

well, i'm not sure of the exact reason he calls you zoolander, this was just a reference to it
yes, it was directed at you for that exact reason

well, i'm not sure of the exact reason he calls you zoolander, this was just a reference to it

look at my myspace.


i've done professional modeling before. i'm laughing at how you jumped on the bandwagon of the inside joke having no idea where it comes from. lmao
well i knew you did professional modeling
and i already have you as a friend on myspace...
i assumed that was the reason behind the zoolander references
well i knew you did professional modeling
and i already have you as a friend on myspace...
i assumed that was the reason behind the zoolander references
ah ha, very intuitive.

but anyways, B just likes to make fun of me. i can live with zoolander references. i think they are funny. ^_^