U-verse rant

  • Thread starter Thread starter reikoshea
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I've had U-Verse for almost 2 years now and it hasn't shit the bed once yet. I haven't had one problem with it. When i got my iphone in February i added it to bundled billing and it took like 4 minutes over the phone. They also made sure i was gettin gmy employee discount through work.

When i was with Comcast my modem was down every week. i would have a tech out every month. It was horrible, though the internet was allot faster when it worked( i have 6meg with U-Verse)
I love my verizon fios. Only time my internet is down is when the power is out and I can't use it anyway, oh and it's 25 mb d/l. :ph34r:
I swear XBL picks people with the shittiest connection to host. One point in a game(MW2) the game stopped like 10-15 times and it would not kick the people lagging.
Then why the hell are you not host every time we play XBL

I am once in a blue moon. When I went for my first nuke, the host left so it made me the host. lol

I swear XBL picks people with the shittiest connection to host. One point in a game(MW2) the game stopped like 10-15 times and it would not kick the people lagging.

yeah but how much do you pay

150/month for tv/phone/internet.

The 10/3 internet package was 58/month alone which is a steal because I got it as it came out 3 years ago.

When I got the tv phone package, I then upgraded to the silver tv package, or whatever it was, and it upped the speeds to 25/5 as well. Between BDN, myself, and my cousin, we each only pay 50 a month.
I've been with Comcast for a while now and the last time I had a problem they not only sent out a tech for on site help, who really knew his stuff, but they also put me into a 6 mo promo for more channels and higher connection speed. The tech guy on the phone was great and I wound up getting his id # so I can talk to him again if I have future problems. Pretty good cs if you ask me.
Just heard yesterday that there's now a class action lawsuit against U-Verse. Apparently some one figured out that their Internet service doesn't actually run at the speeds that they advertise. I'm excited about this. With all the complaints and now an actual lawsuit against them maybe AT&T will figure out that they can't just offer a product this shitty and expect people to be okay with it...
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from personal experience, its not only u-verse, but their whole broadband line up. ive went to 3 friends' places and used their att dsl internet. the speeds seemed a little low and sure enough after looking at the modem, they were getting at least 512kb less than their paid speed. when i helped them call, the bullshit they give me is:
1) live your line on so it build a solid line (i think 1 year is enough)
2) it says "up to"

however, when i ask to speak to a supervisor and get bumped up to "level-2" techs, they magically can adjust the speed and all is gravy.

i say fuck all broadband companies. them fuckers are just greedy; but i rather pay a greedy fuck that doesnt have a bandwidth cap than a fucker that does.