RED Book Value...

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How do I find out what the "RED" book value of my Si is??
Anyone help me I out...I need to know asap.


Originally posted by CRXRookie@Dec 1 2003, 12:16 PM
Red book value? :wtf:

Appraiser/Dealer value of a used car...if you went into a dealer...what they would give you for it...

I have to register my Si that I purchased and they take the purchase price and the red book value...whichever is higher...I pay the tax on that value.

Black Book = Dealer Wholesale
Red Book = Private Sale Used Retail Value
Blue Book = Dealer Used Retail Value

...that's according to the insurance appraiser, and the dealer that I just talked to...


blue book value

on that site you can get a number for both the dealer blue book as well as the private seller blue book.... never heard of red book except as a magazine for grandmas
Originally posted by seanjuan@Dec 1 2003, 02:14 PM
blue book value

on that site you can get a number for both the dealer blue book as well as the private seller blue book.... never heard of red book except as a magazine for grandmas

Thanks dude...Well, I'm in Canada so maybe the 'red' is the equal to the US 'blue'...I'll see if the numbers match up. But like I said...the insurance and the dealer gave me the above low down on the book "colors"... B)

Originally posted by CRXRookie@Dec 1 2003, 02:37 PM
Ah, so the Red book value is for Canada. I never knew that..

It appears that way...

I guess it is all moot now, the former owner just told me that when he cancelled the registration he cancelled it as "parts or junk" thus I will have to re-safety and pay the tax on the "red book" value of the car...crappy thing has a valid saftey sticker on it now...and I only paid $325 CDN for the SI...but the red book value (I went to Motor Vehicles on my lunch, they had a 'red book') is $1475-2425 CDN x 15% tax = $222-364 in tax....sigh.

Thanks for the help guys...