Saying goodbye

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take your time and look. Wait a few months and see what pops up. Check nsx forums. That yellow one is well..shitty. No point in buying a modded car only to remove all of em and put your own on... doenst make sense to me.

White NSX > *
good point. i do seem to rush when i want something reaaaaaly bad, but it might not be worth it.
Nah, that's not lame. You are in a bad situation where you needed help. I was in a similar situation a year ago, had a baby on the way, my truck blew up so i had to buy a new vehicle, and after the down payment and full coverage insurance, I was broke. So my parents loaned me some money to get me through the hard times. Difference is, I'm paying it all back.
She could get by just fine on her own but instead decides to eat up the gravy while it's hot, cuz, "why not? it's free money". You'll never understand what it means to be financially independant, or the satisfaction that comes from earning EVERYTHING you have. Those things obviously aren't important to you so suck up daddys handouts girl, you have no reason not to.
Nah, that's not lame. You are in a bad situation where you needed help. I was in a similar situation a year ago, had a baby on the way, my truck blew up so i had to buy a new vehicle, and after the down payment and full coverage insurance, I was broke. So my parents loaned me some money to get me through the hard times. Difference is, I'm paying it all back.
She could get by just fine on her own but instead decides to eat up the gravy while it's hot, cuz, "why not? it's free money". You'll never understand what it means to be financially independant, or the satisfaction that comes from earning EVERYTHING you have. Those things obviously aren't important to you so suck up daddys handouts girl, you have no reason not to.

you know your missing a few points she has never said were she works all she has said as she does work, she also said she pays for her cars just not the insurance,and last but not least she got a big pay day after she got in theat wreck
Why are NSXs still so goddam much money ?
I'd hit it !
Why are NSXs still so goddam much money ?
I'm guessing that it's because they were made in limited quantities and are very well taken care of, for the most part. Also, being a supercar keeps the price up.

It's the same damn way for 4th gen supras as well. I hate the fact they cost so much, but I guess it's the price one has to pay to be a member of this "club".
Im not a cashier you idiot. And get the fuck over my parents paying my damn insurance, I paid for school, I paid for my cars, I pay my rent. They pay for my insurance. Thats it. gawwwd!
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The exhaust sounds like the cars in fast and furious. Speaking of that.

My buddy just turboed his built VR6. That sounds amazing. It's like the rx-7 in fast and the furious, or a real built v8 inside the car. Outside, a rumble and his ensue. I'll have to take a clip in the car, its well to die for.
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