Separating transmission halves

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I'm trying to take apart my ZC transmission to install a Si/EX final drive; but I can't figure out how to seperate the transmission halves. On this: it has a place where he's able to pry it apart; but my ZC doesn't have that. I can't stick a screwdriver in between the halves because of the sealant. Any know how to do this?

Ok, here's a thought, take it for what it's worth, as I have not separated tranny halves before. If you don't have room to get a screwdriver in there to pry, you might be able to get a metal drywall tapers trowel in between there to break the seal somewhat on the sealant. Use a small trowel, like 1". Or, If you're still stuck, it looks like those bolt holes bottom out. I could be wrong, I've only looked at the website, so double check. So, if you're very careful not to mash any of the threads, you can stick a pin punch into the bolt hole until it bottoms out, and then give it a tap. Use a pin punch that is half the size of the hole. You'll probably have to go around the tranny a few times, but that might jar that sealant loose enough for you to be able to pry it apart. Just be very careful of those threads. Make sure you are bottomed out before you tap it. You could wrap the end of the pin punch in some tape, to protect the threads. Good luck.
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Ok, here's a thought, take it for what it's worth, as I have not separated tranny halves before. If you don't have room to get a screwdriver in there to pry, you might be able to get a metal drywall tapers trowel in between there to break the seal somewhat on the sealant. Use a small trowel, like 1". Or, If you're still stuck, it looks like those bolt holes bottom out. I could be wrong, I've only looked at the website, so double check. So, if you're very careful not to mash any of the threads, you can stick a pin punch into the bolt hole until it bottoms out, and then give it a tap. Use a pin punch that is half the size of the hole. You'll probably have to go around the tranny a few times, but that might jar that sealant loose enough for you to be able to pry it apart. Just be very careful of those threads. Make sure you are bottomed out before you tap it. You could wrap the end of the pin punch in some tape, to protect the threads. Good luck.

I'm not sure if this applies to your tranny but there is a snap ring on the inner part of the fill hole that has to be spread away from the groove of the bearings in order to seperate it.

Here are the instructions that I was sent when I had the same problem in Sept. PM me your email and i can send you the detailed instructions with the pics.

When you drop the back half of the case down, the snap ring should be resting on top of the bearing - spread the snap ring apart and push the back half of the case down until it is tight to the other side of the case - at this point, the snap ring may not be in the groove in the bearing (it goes in the groove closest to the end) - what is happening is that the bearing is too far down and needs to come up - it is kind of hard to get the bearing up to the right place, since you have to move the whole gearset inside - you can try to raise it up with a screwdriver, while holding the snap ring apart, but this is hard to do since not much of the bearing is exposed in the hole - if you can't get the bearing up, don't worry about it not being in the groove, just go ahead and bolt the case halves together (make sure the back half is all the way down - you will break a bearing if you try to pull it together with the bolts) - once you have it bolted together, turn the whole thing upside down (so that hole where you access snap ring is on the bottom) - usually, the shaft will fall down and the snap ring will pop into the groove - if it doesn't, lightly tap the end of the input shaft with a hammer and it should drop into place - let me know if you still have questions
Thanks but I managed to get it apart already. My problem was the seleant; I pretty much just hammered at whatever tabs I can find and finally got it to come apart.

The snap ring part took me about 10mins; the whole transmission ended up dropping on my foot though; I had put a rubberband on the snap ring plier handle and lifted the transmission by the back-half.

Thanks anyways though.