so James (2000Si) just left for Texas

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If you're ever out here, I want to take you to Tres Gringos. Awesome bar, great drinks, and I know all the bartenders and bouncers. VIP has a pole. We shall make merriment!
If you're ever out here, I want to take you to Tres Gringos. Awesome bar, great drinks, and I know all the bartenders and bouncers. VIP has a pole. We shall make merriment!
Thats in downtown SJ right? I've been there a few times, cool place.

What sounds more pathetic? driving 17 hours with the intent to get action, or driving down to just get away from everything here and have a little bit of drunken fun?

My intent was the second option, if I wanted to get laid I would go out.

And quiet Reiko, I didn't see you puttin any moves on the drunk chics there. :)
Why not get away, get drunk, have fun, AND get laid? :thumbsup:


Because it wasn't my intent?

First off, even if that WAS my intent. Brandan never left, Twig stayed the night a few nights and Friday night (while we were ALL drunk) Jamie's ex stayed over.

I'm not even going to go into the drama he tried to start with me.
Every man wants to get laid, whether it's his intent or not. Especially when theres alcohol running through our systems. It's just in our nature.
Well, we can read his post:

First off, even if that WAS my intent. Brandan never left, Twig stayed the night a few nights and Friday night (while we were ALL drunk) Jamie's ex stayed over.

I'm not even going to go into the drama he tried to start with me.

And observe the following:
He was looking for opportunities to make a move, but just didnt feel comfortable doing so while her friends were around. Hence the above post. Jamie's ex even picked up on this vibe and decided to get all jealous and defend "his" woman. We all know that a single male doesnt drive 1700 miles to a single female's house in order to drink beer and hang out. Especially when said female posts pics of tits and sexual connotations on the internet. That being said, the female made sure to post 200+ pound men around her at all times. I think james weighs 110 soaking wet. Perhaps she put out the bait, got something on the line, and had no idea what to do with it. And that made her nervous. James failed miserably at his plans of drunken debaucharous motorboatin'. And jamie may or may not be too nieve to know that this was the foundation of the whole trip. Of course, james would never ever admit that. But he is male, and he is wired a certain way.

Perhaps I am totally wrong. :ph34r: