stupid snow

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im really hating snow right now. we got darn near 12" of it here in Fort Wayne, Indiana. i got my truck stuck who knows how many times and im sure my front valence hates me with a passion now since the snow was practically covering it. my room mate almost slid my truck into a telephone pole helping me. we also slid into a curb so now im sure my stock chrome rims have a lil more curb rash added to them now. i couldnt park it in my normal spot behind my garage so i had to park it about 2 streets from me since thats about the only place i could park it. :cry:
snow really does suck. I just had to shovel the whole driveway here. We also got about 12'' To bad my E-brake doesn't work in the beater lol.
I love snow.

4wd kicks ass. No problems whatsoever at all. I've been out playing all morning as I'm "working" from home. :) I love telecommuting.
My step bro has a Dodge truck with 4wd and he spun out going 30 on the "bypass" as we call it here (its a busy highway from michigan)
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about 3 on the ground, and falling....

we got about 6 here now. working till noon, getting paid from 8 (when i left my house) and got here around 945. its usually a 30 minute drive. when i get back to town im walking across the street to the liquor store, buying a 30 pack and heading up to my buddies.
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well my truck i s 2wd and is lowered like 5". not fun at all to drive in alot of snow...
:laugh: What does that tell you that you need to do for winter?

well there are basically 2 things i could do. my first option (which is the more sensible one) would be to find a cheap beater car to drive and park my truck for the winter. my other option (which is what i am currently doing) is to pimp that mother like no other and have people look at me like this: :blink:

AWD is worthless. Especially when you have less than 1 mm tread left on tires that were shitty to begin with.